长文本外推指 LLM 推理时处理比训练文本更长数据的能力。TurboMind 引擎目前支持 LlamaDynamicNTKScalingRotaryEmbedding, 并与 HuggingFace 的实现对齐。
如果要直接加载 HuggingFace 格式的模型,可以通过修改 TurbomindEngineConfig 参数的方式赋予模型外推能力。将 session_len
修改为外推的长度,并将 rope_scaling_factor
修改为不小于 1.0 的值。
以 InternLM2 为例,可以使用如下方式,激活长文本推理能力:
from lmdeploy import pipeline, GenerationConfig, TurbomindEngineConfig
backend_config = TurbomindEngineConfig(rope_scaling_factor=2.0, session_len=160000)
pipe = pipeline('internlm/internlm2-chat-7b', backend_config=backend_config)
prompt = 'Use a long prompt to replace this sentence'
gen_config = GenerationConfig(top_p=0.8,
response = pipe(prompt, gen_config=gen_config)
我们使用多种方式评测 LMDeploy 长文本推理能力,分别是 passkey retrieval 实验、大海捞针实验 和计算困惑度
执行如下代码,可以测试在长文本中找到特殊 key 成功和失败的次数
import numpy as np
from lmdeploy import pipeline
from lmdeploy import TurbomindEngineConfig
session_len = 160000
backend_config = TurbomindEngineConfig(rope_scaling_factor=2.0, session_len=session_len)
pipe = pipeline('internlm/internlm2-chat-7b', backend_config=backend_config)
def passkey_retrival(session_len, n_round=5):
# create long context input
tok = pipe.tokenizer
task_description = 'There is an important info hidden inside a lot of irrelevant text. Find it and memorize them. I will quiz you about the important information there.'
garbage = 'The grass is green. The sky is blue. The sun is yellow. Here we go. There and back again.'
for _ in range(n_round):
n_times = (session_len - 1000) // len(tok.encode(garbage))
n_garbage_prefix = np.random.randint(0, n_times)
n_garbage_suffix = n_times - n_garbage_prefix
garbage_prefix = ' '.join([garbage] * n_garbage_prefix)
garbage_suffix = ' '.join([garbage] * n_garbage_suffix)
pass_key = np.random.randint(1, 50000)
information_line = f'The pass key is {pass_key}. Remember it. {pass_key} is the pass key.' # noqa: E501
final_question = 'What is the pass key? The pass key is'
lines = [
# inference
prompt = ' '.join(lines)
response = pipe([prompt])
print(pass_key, response)
passkey_retrival(session_len, 5)
可使用 OpenCompass 进行测评,具体使用方法,请参考文档
下面展示使用 LMDeploy 计算困惑度的用法
from datasets import load_dataset
from lmdeploy import TurbomindEngineConfig
from lmdeploy.turbomind import TurboMind
import numpy as np
# load model and tokenizer
engine_config = TurbomindEngineConfig(rope_scaling_factor=2.0, session_len=160000)
engine = TurboMind.from_pretrained('internlm/internlm2-chat-7b', engine_config)
tokenizer = engine.tokenizer
generator = engine.create_instance()
# get perplexity
text = 'The grass is green. The sky is blue. The sun is yellow'
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(text)
loss = generator.get_ppl(input_ids)[0]
ppl = np.exp(loss)