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File metadata and controls

141 lines (112 loc) · 6.21 KB

Configure Project from Sources


  • To run tests install IDEA plugins: Cucumber for Java, Gherkin.
  • Also, I recommended installing Cucumber+ plugin to get better cucumber features editing/highlighting experience.
  • Restart IDEA

Configure project from sources:

  1. Checkout the project
  2. In IntelliJ IDEA, select File | New | Project From Existing Sources.... Choose import from gradle option.

Build plugin from sources:

  • Run ./gradlew buildPlugin
  • Plugin bundle is located in build/distributions/snakecharm-*.zip

Configure Tests:

  1. Configure tests to use $PROJECT_DIR$/.sandbox_pycharm as sandbox directory when running tests from the IDEA context menu. Change template settings for cucumber test:

    1. Open Run | Edit Configurations... | Edit configuration templates...| Cucumber Java
    2. Append to VM optiopns:
      -Didea.config.path=$PROJECT_DIR$/.sandbox_pycharm/config-test -Didea.system.path=$PROJECT_DIR$/.sandbox_pycharm/system-test -Didea.plugins.path=$PROJECT_DIR$/.sandbox_pycharm/plugins-test -Didea.force.use.core.classloader=true
  2. Checkout snakemake project sources and configure as test data:

    cd ~
    git clone
    cd ./testData/MockPackages3
    ln -s ~/snakemake/snakemake snakemake

Tests are written in Gherkin. You could run tests:

  • Using gradle test task
  • From IDEA context menu via Cucumber Java run configuration
    • Before running first test launch buildTestWrappersBundle task

If you get Unimplemented substep definition in all *.feature files, ensure:

  • Not installed or disabled: Substeps IntelliJ Plugin
  • Plugins installed: Cucumber Java, Gherkin

Release plugin:

  • Fix version in build.gradle
  • Fix since/until build versions in build.gradle
  • Fix change notes in CHANGES file
  • Use 'publishPlugin' task

Useful Resources for IntelliJ Plugin Development:

Snakemake Resources:

Workflows examples:

Parser & Lexer

Snakemake language

  • Language: SnakemakeLanguageDialect
  • Parsing Subsystem Descriptor: SmkParserDefinition
    • Registered in plugin.xml, EP: com.intellij.lang.parserDefinition
    • Links language to
      • Lexer SnakemakeLexer
        • Token types: SmkTokenTypes
      • Parser SnakemakeParser
        • AST node types: SmkElementTypes
      • AST tree root element type: SmkFileElementType
      • PSI tree rot element: SmkFile
  • Parser: Snakemake
    • Uses PyParser API => instead of low level PsiParser.parse(..) uses HIG level entry point: SmkParserContext
      • getScope(), emptyParsingScope() : SmkParsingScope

        • Custom scope that helps to memorize that parser is parsing python code blocks in: onstart/onsuccess/onerror/run sections This knowledge changes parser behaviour for some language constructions
      • getFunctionParser(): SmkFunctionParsing

        • API ignored by SnakeCharm:
          • customizes python functions parsing
        • API used:
          • customisation of PyReferenceExpression class (use SmkPyReferenceExpression class) via getReferenceType().

            Required for adding snakemake specific variant into Python expressions code completion & resolve

      • getExpressionParser(): SmkExpressionParsing

        • API ignored by SnakeCharm:
          • customizes different python expressions parsing (string, star literals, etc)
      • getStatementParser() : SmkStatementParsing

        • Does main job, Entry Point : parseStatement()
          • Snakemake keywords 'rule' not python keywords, so they could be freely using in pure python blocs, e.g. python methods, run section, etc

          • If parser is not in pure python block, it changes lexer token for snakemake specific keywords, from PyTokenTypes.IDENTIFIER to custom snakemake token types

            P.S: SnakemakeLexer also changes the way how lexem generated & count rules sections stack, so parsing is actually started in Lexer

          • If first statement lexeme isn't snakemake specific => delegate parsing of the statement to python parser

          • Else:

            • parse cases (rule,checkpoint, etc.)
          • Parsing done via:

            • Start new AST node:
              • marker = myBuilder.mark()
            • Finish (create new NODE and link to all lexemes between start & finish) See com.intellij.lang.SyntaxTreeBuilder.Marker
              • marker.done(NODE_ELEMENT_TYPE)
              • marker.error('msg') - mark whole node as parsing error
                • Better behaviour:
                  • builder.error(msg) - insert error
                  • marker.done(NODE_ELEMENT_TYPE) - close current marker with proper element type
              • maker.drop() - new block not needed
              • new_marker = maker.precedes() - for making hierarchical structures, e.g.
              • rollBack(..) - for lang constructions with similar syntax, when only in the end we could say how to parse the beginning
            • Useful
              • builder.advanceLexer() & nextToken(), atToken(), checkMatches(), builder.eof()
    • Test:
      • Lexer: SnakemakeLexerTest
      • Parser: SnakemakeParsingTest, testdata: ./testData/psi

SnakemakeSL language

  • Another Example: SmkSLParserDefinition
    • Lexer - generated using JFlex, see ./src/main/kotlin/com/jetbrains/snakecharm/stringLanguage/lang/parser/smk_sl.flex
    • Tests
      • Lexer: SmkSLLexerTest
        • Token types: SmkSLTokenTypes
      • Parser: SmkSLParsingTest, testdata: testData/stringLanguagePsi
        • AST node types: SmkSLElementTypes