bitsof(::Type{T}) where {T} = sizeof(T) * 8
bitsof(x::T) where {T} = sizeof(T) * 8
maxmag(q) whichever is the larger, abs(numerator) or abs(denominator)
leading_zeros_maxmag(q) count of leading 0bits in maxmag(q)
msbitidx(q) 1-based bit index of the most significant bit in maxmag(q)
zero iff iszero(maxmag(q))
maxmag(q::Rational{T}) where {T<:Integer} = max(abs(q.num), abs(q.den))
leading_zeros_maxmag(q::Rational{T}) where {T<:Integer} = leading_zeros(maxmag(q))
msbitidx(q::Rational{T}) where {T<:Integer} = bitsof(T) - leading_zeros_maxmag(q)
msbitidx(q1::Rational{T}, q2::Rational{T}) where {T<:Integer} = msbitidx(q1) + msbitidx(q2)
maxmag(q::FastRational{T}) where {T<:FastInt} = max(abs(q.num), abs(q.den)) # q.den != typemin(T)
leading_zeros_maxmag(q::FastRational{T}) where {T<:FastInt} = leading_zeros(maxmag(q))
msbitidx(q::FastRational{T}) where {T<:FastInt} = bitsof(T) - leading_zeros(maxmag(q))
msbitidx(q1::FastRational{T}, q2::FastRational{T}) where {T<:FastInt} = msbitidx(q1) + msbitidx(q2)
msbitidx(q1::T) + msbitidx(q2::T)
= (bitsof(T) - leading_zeros(maxmag(q1))) + (bitsof(T) - leading_zeros(maxmag(q2)))
= (bitsof(T) + bitsof(T)) - (leading_zeros(maxmag(q1)) + leading_zeros(maxmag(q2)))
= 2*bitsof(T) - (leading_zeros(maxmag(q1)) + leading_zeros(maxmag(q2)))
mayoverflow(q1::T, q2::T) where {T} = bitsof(T) <= msbitidx(q1, q2)
= bitsof(T) <= 2*bitsof(T) - (leading_zeros(maxmag(q1)) + leading_zeros(maxmag(q2)))
= (leading_zeros(maxmag(q1)) + leading_zeros(maxmag(q2))) <= 2*bitsof(T) - bitsof(T)
= (leading_zeros(maxmag(q1)) + leading_zeros(maxmag(q2))) <= bitsof(T)
mayoverflow(i1::T, i2::T) where {T<:Integer} =
(leading_zeros(i1) + leading_zeros(i2)) <= bitsof(T)
this was used in deriving the faster version immediately below
mayoverflow(q1::Rational{T}, q2::Rational{T}) where {T<:Integer} =
bitsof(T) >= leading_zeros_maxmag(q1) + leading_zeros_maxmag(q2)
mayoverflow(q1::Rational{T}, q2::Rational{T}) where {T<:Integer} =
(bitsof(T)<<1) >= leading_zeros(q1.num) + leading_zeros(q1.den) +
leading_zeros(q2.num) + leading_zeros(q2.den)
mayoverflow(q1::FastRational{T}, q2::FastRational{T}) where {T<:FastInt} =
(bitsof(T)<<1) >= leading_zeros(q1.num) + leading_zeros(q1.den) +
leading_zeros(q2.num) + leading_zeros(q2.den)