Sandbox project for playing around with some Smart Warehouse problems.
The solution will create a database and seed items to it. When run it will launch a swagger page.
There is validation that the order items exists.
If you wanna try the swagger endpoint here is a few SKU numbers you can use:
- SKU0123
- SKU0042
- SKU0101
The solution is created using Mediatr pattern and a classic 3 layer architecture.
A simple Result-pattern is used to make for the domain validation.
Creating a transport order sets a lot of events into motion.
The route should be planned and scheduled. There might be need for restocking and much more.
The idea divide and conquer.
The create TransportOrder, reserves the items, and creates the order. It publishes an event when done, that will start the related work flows.
Note: There is still missing a lot of test, validation and logging. A lot of cases are not handled. The eventbus and related events are also missing.
So far only a few API test are added
- FakeItEasy
- FluentAssertion
- AutoData
- EF InMemoryDb & Testserver