Heard of Chrome Dinosaur game? Yes that game when there is no Internet connection and a game appears on the web page. I tried to create my version of that game using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Lets call it Highway Runner may be? or Lets Jump?
🖋 Customisations :
Includes a Character (.gif) and a car (png Image) and a background image. Added Game engine via "Set Interval" method and used properted like "Add" class list to both character and the block
🗺 Working :
The game will start the moment user interacts with the screen and can control the character with the space or arrow up buttons on the keyboard to make it jump and the ultimate goal is to avoid hitting the car.
The score will increase as the character runs.
It also has a High Score functionality so that if a user is returning after sometime they will get a glance of their previous scores and that will encourage them to break the scpre.
If the player gets hit by a car, An alert will popup showing "the Game Over. Your Score is xxx ".
🖼 Images :
✔ Conclusion :
It was a fun Project and Any Feedbacks and Suggestions are appreciated.