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File metadata and controls

89 lines (63 loc) · 3.5 KB


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Hi! Thanks for checking out Packer.NET. So what is Packer.NET you may ask? It's a library that will help you pack lots of files inside a single one. It's perfect for making backups of software files or letting user pack data to be sent over the internet in a single file.


You can either download the latest release from the release page here or add the NuGet package directly to your project. Or if you prefer you can close this repository and build Packer.NET yourself.


After you download Packer.NET and you reference it to your project you can use Packer.NET like this.

Add this like to the top of your project

using PackerNET;

Then you have to make a Packer Object.

Packer myPacker = new Packer();

There are 3 events you can subscribe to that are going to help your track the packer's progress and completion

  • Report Backup Progress & Report Restore Progress

myPacker.ReportBackupProgress myPacker.ReportReportProgress

These events will provide you 3 values

  1. int Current - The current value of the progress
  2. int Maximum - The maximum Value of the progress
  3. string CurrentFile - The current file being processed
  • Report Progress Completed


This event will fire when any started Backup or Restore progress has been completed

This event will provide you 1 value

  1. long ElapsedMilliseconds - Milliseconds passed from the start of the Backup/Restore process

Because the Backup/Restore progress is running of separate Threads, in order to use the values on another thread you need to do the following:

Let's say we have button(button1), a progress bar(progressBar1) and a label(label1) on our form and we want to back up a folder when we press the button, report the backup progress and when the backup is completed a to make a message box popup.

  1. First, we make the button's action
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Packer myPacker = new PackerNET.Packer(); //Declare the Packer Object
    myPacker .ReportBackupProgress += onReportProgress; //Subscribe to the BackupProgress event
    myPacker .ReportProgressCompleted += onCompletion; //Subscribe to the Completion Progress
    myPacker .BackUp("Path to pack","Path to backup file.extension")
  1. Second, we make the events methods
private void onCompletion(long inn)
        this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
            MessageBox.Show("Backup progress completed");
private void onReportProgress(int current, int max ,string file)
            this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
                progressBar1.Maximum =max;
                progressBar1.Value = current;
                Label1.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1} - " + file, current, max);

And that's it! Of course, you can skip all the events and just backup.

The backup/restore file

The backup/restore file does not need to have any special extension. You can use whatever you choose.


In the current version of Packer.NET, the file that is generated is not being compressed. But in future updates, a sort of compression is going to be implemented.


Packer.NET require .NET Framework >= 3.5