The API to get user profiles, submissions, and problems on LeetCode, with highly customizable GraphQL API and Rate Limiter.
- Get Public User Profile.
- Get User's Recent Submissions. (Public, Max: 20)
- Get User Contest Records. (thanks to @laporchen)
- Get All Problem List, or with filter of difficulty and tags.
- Get Problem Detail.
- Get Daily Challenge.
- Get All Submissions of The Authenticated User.
- Get Submission Details, including the code and percentiles.
- Customable GraphQL Query API.
- Customable Rate Limiter. (Default: 20 req / 10 sec)
- Customable Fetcher.
Includes recent submissions and posts.
import { LeetCode } from "leetcode-query";
const leetcode = new LeetCode();
const user = await leetcode.user("username");
import { LeetCode, Credential } from "leetcode-query";
const credential = new Credential();
await credential.init("YOUR-LEETCODE-SESSION-COOKIE");
const leetcode = new LeetCode(credential);
console.log(await leetcode.submissions(100, 0));
You can use your own fetcher, for example, fetch through a real browser.
import { LeetCode, fetcher } from "leetcode-query";
import { chromium } from "playwright-extra";
import stealth from "puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth";
// setup browser
const _browser = chromium.use(stealth()).launch();
const _page = _browser
.then((browser) => browser.newPage())
.then(async (page) => {
await page.goto("");
return page;
// use a custom fetcher
fetcher.set(async (...args) => {
const page = await _page;
const res = await page.evaluate(async (args) => {
const res = await fetch(...args);
return {
body: await res.text(),
status: res.status,
statusText: res.statusText,
headers: Object.fromEntries(res.headers),
}, args);
return new Response(res.body, res);
// use as normal
const lc = new LeetCode();
const daily = await lc.daily();
await _browser.then((browser) => browser.close());
Documentation for this package is available on
- NPM Package:
- GitHub Repository: