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JabRef Version 5.6

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@calixtus calixtus released this 25 Apr 21:48
· 4052 commits to main since this release


  • We enabled the user to customize the API Key for some fetchers. #6877
  • We added an extra option when right-clicking an entry in the Entry List to copy either the DOI or the DOI url.
  • We added a fetcher for Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) 8576
  • We added an extra option to ask the user whether they want to open to reveal the folder holding the saved file with the file selected. #8195
  • We added a new section to network preferences to allow using custom SSL certificates. #8126
  • We improved the version check to take also beta version into account and now redirect to the right changelog for the version.
  • We added two new web and fulltext fetchers: SemanticScholar and ResearchGate.
  • We added notifications on success and failure when writing metadata to a PDF-file. #8276
  • We added a cleanup action that escapes $ (by adding a backslash in front). #8673


  • We upgraded to Lucene 9.1 for the fulltext search.
    Thus, the now created search index cannot be read from older versions of JabRef anylonger.
    ⚠️ JabRef will recreate the index in a new folder for new files and this will take a long time for a huge library.
    Moreover, switching back and forth JabRef versions and meanwhile adding PDFs also requires rebuilding the index now and then.
  • We changed the list of CSL styles to those that support formatting bibliographies. #8421 citeproc-java#116
  • The CSL preview styles now also support displaying data from cross references entries that are linked via the crossref field. #7378
  • We made the Search button in Web Search wider. We also skewed the panel titles to the left. #8397
  • We introduced a preference to disable fulltext indexing. #8468
  • When exporting entries, the encoding is always UTF-8.
  • When embedding BibTeX data into a PDF, the encoding is always UTF-8.
  • We replaced the OttoBib fetcher by a fetcher by OpenLibrary. #8652
  • We first fetch ISBN data from OpenLibrary, if nothing found, is tried.
  • We now only show a warning when exiting for tasks that will not be recovered automatically upon relaunch of JabRef. #8468


  • We fixed an issue where right clicking multiple entries and pressing "Change entry type" would only change one entry. #8654
  • We fixed an issue where it was no longer possible to add or delete multiple files in the file field in the entry editor. #8659
  • We fixed an issue where the author's lastname was not used for the citation key generation if it started with a lowercase letter. #8601
  • We fixed an issue where custom "Protected terms" files were missing after a restart of JabRef. #8608
  • We fixed an issue where JabRef could not start due to a missing directory for the fulltex index. #8579
  • We fixed an issue where long article numbers in the pages field would cause an exception and preventing the citation style to display. #8381, citeproc-java
  • We fixed an issue where online links in the file field were not detected correctly and could produce an exception. #8150
  • We fixed an issue where an exception could occur when saving the preferences #7614
  • We fixed an issue where "Copy DOI url" in the right-click menu of the Entry List would just copy the DOI and not the DOI url. #8389
  • We fixed an issue where opening the console from the drop-down menu would cause an exception. #8466
  • We fixed an issue when reading non-UTF-8 encoded. When no encoding header is present, the encoding is now detected from the file content (and the preference option is disregarded). #8417
  • We fixed an issue where pasting a URL was replacing + signs by spaces making the URL unreachable. #8448
  • We fixed an issue where creating subsidiary files from aux files created with some versions of biblatex would produce incorrect results. #8513
  • We fixed an issue where opening the changelog from withing JabRef led to a 404 error. #8563
  • We fixed an issue where not all found unlinked local files were imported correctly due to some race condition. #8444
  • We fixed an issue where Merge entries dialog exceeds screen boundaries.
  • We fixed an issue where the app lags when selecting an entry after a fresh start. #8446
  • We fixed an issue where no citationkey was generated on import, pasting a doi or an entry on the main table. 8406, koppor#553
  • We fixed an issue where accent search does not perform consistently. #6815
  • We fixed an issue where the incorrect entry was selected when "New Article" is pressed while search filters are active. #8674


  • We removed the option to copy CSL Citation styles data as XSL_FO, ASCIIDOC, and RTF as these have not been working since a long time and are no longer supported in the external library used for processing the styles. #7378
  • We removed the option to configure the default encoding. The default encoding is now hard-coded to the modern UTF-8 encoding.