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Jump start with Docker

Shusei Tomonaga edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 6 revisions

1. Install Docker
2. Pull Docker image
3. Run Docker image
4. Accessing the Web GUI
5. Import EVTX

If you are using Docker, you can pull the following image.

Install Docker

If you do not have Docker, please check this page and install it.

Pull Docker image

$ docker image pull jpcertcc/docker-logontracer

Run Docker image

$ docker container run \
   --detach \
   --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 --publish=8080:8080 \
   -e LTHOSTNAME=[IP_Address] \

Wait for a while for LogonTracer to run.

Accessing the Web GUI

Access http://[IP_Address]:8080/ via Web browser. Enable JavaScript on your browser.
Please note that docker image contains sample data on itself. And for the first access, you see the images by those data. This sample data will be purged for the first time you import your own logs.

Supported browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge


Login with the default account (neo4j:password) from the Web GUI.
Login GUI

Import EVTX

Import the event log using Web GUI or After importing EVTX, you need to reload the web browser.

Importing by Web GUI

Event log can be imported with upload EVTX button. Supported file format is EVTX or XML(exported Event Viewer). If the import of the EVTX file is not successful, please check the "Log" button.
Upload EVTX File

Importing by python script

You can import from host to Docker image with

Clone LogonTracer github repository

$ git clone

Import using

Event log can be imported by option -e or -x.

$ cd LogonTracer
$ python3 --delete -e [EVTX File] -z [TIME Zone] -u neo4j -p password -s [Docker image IP Address]


$ cd LogonTracer
$ python3 --delete -x [XML File] -z [TIME Zone] -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -s [Docker image IP Address]
  • --delete: Delete data in Neo4j
  • -e: EVTX filename to import
  • -x: XML filename to import
  • -z: Time zone (ex: +9, -5)
  • -u: Neo4j username (Docker image is “neo4j”)
  • -p: Neo4j password (Docker image is “password”)
  • -s: Address where the Docker image (ex: localhost)