This library facilitates automated, commission-free stock trading from Python using Robinhood's API.
Current Features: - Get stock quote - Place market buy / sell orders - Place limit buy / sell orders - Cancel an open order - View order details or status - Retrieve a list of historical orders - View current user information
To install
pip install robinhood
Inspired by Rohonpai's Robinhood framework (, benkroop/robinhood fixes bugs while adding new features and additional documentation.
Place market order for 3 shares of RJET at best market price
>>> r = Robinhood(username, password) >>> r.place_buy_order("RJET", 3, "market") u'98a8caa4-fddf-df0b-8156-5c474dc01931'
Place limit order for 1 share of CSCO at a maximum of $28.42
>>> r.place_buy_order("CSCO", 1, "limit", 28.42) u'52ad96db-4c01-29c8-9951-a31f883853b5'
Cancel an order
>>> r.cancel_order("52ad96db-4c01-29c8-9951-a31f883853b5") <Response [200]>
Get order status
>>> r.order_status("52ad96db-4c01-29c8-9951-a31f883853b5") u'cancelled'
Get most recent order
>>> r.list_orders()[0] u'52ad96db-4c01-29c8-9951-a31f883853b5'
Get details of most recent order
>>> order_ID = r.list_orders()[0] >>> order = r.order_details(order_ID) {u'cumulative_quantity': u'0.00000', u'last_transaction_at': u'2015-09-07T07:12:03.726590Z', u'account': u'', u'stop_price': None, u'reject_reason': None, u'state': u'cancelled', u'url': u'', u'created_at': u'2015-09-07T07:12:03.726590Z', u'updated_at': u'2015-09-07T07:12:03.743988Z', u'executions': [], u'price': u'3.25000000', u'instrument': u'', u'time_in_force': u'gfd', u'trigger': u'immediate', u'fees': u'0.00', u'cancel': None, u'position': u'', u'quantity': u'3.00000', u'type': u'market', u'average_price': None, u'side': u'buy'}
Print selected user info
>>> print "Your address is: " + r.address + ", " + + ", " + r.state_residence + " " + r.zipcode Your address is: 121 Amherst St., Boston, MA 02111