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Internet Speed Monitor

A simple tool to monitor your internet speed.

Use case

You want to measure and keep track of your internet performance.


A simple script measures the speed (download,upload and latency) and saves the result in a database. A Grafana Dashboard then visualizes the data.

Installation Guide

First rename the file dummy.env into .env and fill in your secrets.

Using docker-compose

Build and install the tool:

git clone git@github ...
cd isp-mon
docker-compose up

Once the containers are launched, visit http://localhost:3000. Log in using the username admin and password admin. In the menu on the lefhand side add a new data source. Choose MySql, with the host db, the port 3306, the user grafanaReader with the password readOnly and save the data source.

Now a new dashboard can be added. By using the query builder, a lot of different vizualizations can be easily added to the dashboard. Alternatively the dashboard defined in dashboard.json can be imported.

Using a custom MySql database

Create a new MySql database (using the X Protocol) and initialize it with the schema.sql schema, then adjust the respective variables in the .env file. Grafana can be initialized in the same way as when using docker-compose.

Either use the Dockerfile to build a standalone image for the speed tests or install the script without docker.

Without docker (needs node and npm installed)

First install the speedtest-cli and fast-cli speedtests, then install and start measuring:

npm install
npm run start

With Docker

  1. Build

    docker build -t measure .
  2. Start (starts measuring)

    docker run -dit --name measure --env_file .env measure
  3. (Optional) Connect to the container

    docker exec -it measure bash

If the database runs on a Docker container on the same host, either point to the database using the local IP of the host, or better create a shared Docker network for both containers.

Note that a new MySql user with SELECT privileges and a default password is created for Grafana in the schema.sql. While this account has read only access, if you are exposing your database to the internet you may want to change the password.