Currently work in progress and not working unless there is a GitHub release available!
If you want to get notifications, join my discord server. There is a MEE6 role assigment for NoitaMP in #noita-modding!
I love to play Noita! You should give it a try! Usually I like to play with my friends. Truly Noita is made for being a single-player game, but I can't get rid of the idea to try implementing a multiplayer mod, just to share all the feelings playing Noita with friends.
Let's see, if I can do so?! I am new to Lua and modding, but someone said to me: "You seem to be asking the right questions".
Installation, configuration and support can be found on the docs.
I wouldn't be able to create this mod without the help by
- @EvaisaGiac
- @TheHorscht
- @Pyry
- @DevonX
- @shebpamm
- @Coxas/Thighs
- @dextercd
- @BlueAmulet
- @Shaw
- @Ramiels
- @bruham
- @ofoxsmith
I also want to say thank you to the supporter of this project on Github or Patreon:
- stefnotch one-time 20$ 18.11.22
If you spot anything I should mention, feel free to create an issue or get in touch with me!
Also, special thanks to the people, who share their libraries, frameworks and other stuff. See below!
- custom lua51.dll provided by Noita
- luaJIT-2.0.4 used by Noita
- eNet for network communication
- lua-enet for being able to use eNet in Lua
- sock.lua for 'easy' to use lua-enet and eNet in Lua
bitser.lua for old serializing and deserializing data- pprint.lua for debugging with pretty prints
json.lua for serializing and deserializing data in json format- nxml.lua for editing xml files used by Noita
EZGUI.lua for the GUI, but unfortunately it isn't maintained anymore- lua-watcher.lua for getting the correct save path for Noita
- lfs-ffi.lua for lua file system
- deepcopy.lua for being able to copy tables
- libzstd.dll for being able to compress and decompress data
- zstd.lua for easy to use libzstd.dll in Lua
- lua-MessagePack for serializing and deserializing data
- plotly.lua for plotting profiled data
- dkjson.lua needed by plotly.lua
I had to build the network library by my own, because Noita provides its own lua51.dll. I struggled to build it, if you are interested in, I've added all the necessary build files inside of .building/dll_building.7z and here you can see the stackoverflow question I've created.