Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks (AHNs) in Julia. Install: julia> Pkg.clone("") INFO: Cloning HydrocarbonNets from INFO: Computing changes... Update: julia> Pkg.update() INFO: Updating METADATA... INFO: Updating HydrocarbonNets... INFO: Computing changes... INFO: No packages to install, update or remove Test: julia> Pkg.test("HydrocarbonNets") INFO: Testing HydrocarbonNets INFO: HydrocarbonNets tests passed INFO: No packages to install, update or remove Uninstall: julia> Pkg.rm("HydrocarbonNets") INFO: Removing HydrocarbonNets (unregistered) Resources: HydrocarbonNets.jl Docs. Artificial Organic Networks Wiki. To Do: Add support for julia-v0.4+. Add documentation. Implement molecular units and their behavior functions. Work with DataFrames.