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Seth Shaw edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 7 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Daniel Lamb
  • Jared Whiklo 🌠
  • Seth Shaw
  • Jonathan Green
  • Rosie LeFaive
  • Kim Pham
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Bryan Brown
  • Natkeeran Kanthan


  1. Google Summer of Code
  2. CLAW Lunch and Learn: Feb 23, 12:00-3:00 PM Eastern
  3. Recent Activity
  4. Still needs a tie break:
  5. Need a merge
  6. ... (feel free to add agenda items)


  1. Spent a couple days doing an application for Google Summer of Code, Google offers stipends to students and tries to lined up with an OSS project. Then the students would make a pitch for the project they might like to contribute to it, but we can also have multiple mentors if others are interested. Information on February 12.

    Danny created a list of possible projects -

    If you have an idea of a project, then add it to the list so possible students could review the projects.

  2. CLAW Lunch and Learn - Kim Pham

    Hosted in person at UTSC 12-1 is in-person lunch and 1-3 updates and talk about the work, Kim talk about what they are starting to work on.

    Information for registering for online and in-person is available here

  3. Recent activity

  4. Still need a tie-break test to move this along, there is work stacking up that was based off this (ie. so we need to know if this is a code or configuration issue.

  5. Danny live merged this, so 👍 for that.

  6. Other business

    A suggestion based on IslandoraCon's HackDoc where Danny was teaching how to create new Content-Types and exporting the configuration into a new module that could be re-used.

    Some of that HackDoc knowledge/experience has been lost and the IR group are interested in having PDFs and CSVs binaries. Could we do a screencast about how to export the configuration files so people could watch them?

    There is this -

    A little out-of-date but there was also CLAW Porcus -

    We can do this, not sure how quickly it can be done.

    When will the next sprint be?

    Next sprint might be in March, trying to get derivatives done first and with Melissa away Danny has multiple things to work on.

    Focus could be on metadata and the tools we might need to develop around it.

    Metadata Interest Group is interested in this too. The community has settled around Bibframe because it seems to be the most generic and fits the general library models.

    Bibframes use of blank nodes could eventually be a performance problem as we will have a bunch of fields and no one really knows how many fields are too many.

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