This guide will help set up a local Kubernetes cluster using Minikube, install Helm, and test the deployments with strict frontend access or through an Ingress.
Follow the official kubectl installation guide for your operating system.
Verify the installation:
kubectl version --client
Follow the official Minikube installation guide for your operating system.
Start a Minikube cluster:
minikube start
Verify that Minikube is running:
minikube status
Follow the official Helm installation guide for your operating system.
Verify the installation:
helm version
- Navigate to the Deployment Directory:
cd helm-chart
- Enable the Ingress Controller (if you plan on using the ingress feature):
minikube addons enable ingress
- Install the Helm Chart: (you can change the ingressEnabled value to true to test the ingress)
helm install test AWS-Deployment --set deployment.localTesting=true --set deployment.ingressEnabled=false
- Follow the helm chart instructions output for more steps
- Uninstall the helm release:
helm uninstall my-release
- Stop Minikube:
minikube stop