Python is a high-level programming language used extensively in data science, application development, and scripting. In this workshop, we'll learn to interact with a running Python process nonvisually using the NVDA screen reader.
This workshop is part of the Pandas Nonvisual Introduction to Data Science series. While this workshop is focused on Python as a genral-purpose programming language, the workshop is intended to prepare you for the use of the Pandas library for data-science tasks.
The Python-specific topics covered in this workshop will include:
- The purpose, behavior, and syntax of six fundamental Python data types: integers, floats, strings, boolean's, lists, and dictionaries
- Evaluation, a process of simplification performed by the Python interpreter
- Assignment, or giving names to data
- Conditionals, statements that can be evaluated to true or false
- Introspection, or ways to get additional information about Python objects
- Methods and attributes, or functions and data contained inside other objects
- Importing libraries, or pulling useful collections of objects and functions into your code
In addition, we will cover these topics specific to accessing Python nonvisually using the NVDA screen reader.
- Installing NVDA and the Anaconda distribution of Python
- Setting up NVDA for use with a console
- Accessing the IPython process in the Anaconda Prompt
- UsingNVDA's review cursor to check output, including errors
- Using IPython-specific "magic" commands to export your session and perform other tasks
In addition, we'll cover these Python-specific topics: