Here, we'll learn how arka
is organised in terms of packages
- Cache Manager - Caches data and retrieves them
- Cloud Manager - Manages all connections to cloud services such as AWS
- Config Manager - Gets configuration data
- Constants - Commonly used constants across the app
- Database Manager - Manages the generic database operations
- Dependency Manager - Registers and retrieves dependencies across the app
- Email Manager - Responsible for sending emails
- Exception Manager - Creates and manages errors across the app
- Event Manager - Creates and manages events published and consumed across the app
- Excelize - Provides APIs to create and manage an Excel workbook
- File Manager - Manages file operations such as uploading to a cloud bucket
- Logger - Provides logging capabilities
- Payment Manager - Provides APIs to handle payment related operations
- Scheduler Manager - Provides APIs to create and manage scheduled jobs
- SMS - Responsible for sending SMS
- Template - Provides methods to create text and html templates
- Util - Provides utility functionality such as generating a token, shortening a url, etc
- Version - Provides version information of a service