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This is the kernel generator (kerngen) responsible for producing HERACLES ISA kernels for various polynomial operations that occur in cryptography (or elsewhere) such as in homomorphic encryption (HE). A kernel is a code snippet of P-ISA instructions with the purpose of implementing some high level polynomial operation.


kerngen is written as a pure python program. Requirements required to be installed,

  • python >= 3.10
  • pip (recommend >= 24.0)
  • and python requirements.

To install the python dependencies and development tools simply run,

pip install -r requirements.txt



The design is a simplified interpreter pattern. A domain specific language defined as a 'kernel language' is received as input to the kernel generator. This kernel language describes (which can be used for HE schemes) operations on polynomials with given context parameters. This language is interpreted as a high level instruction which is then mapped to its corresponding low level P-ISA instruction. kerngen uses a common unix command line utility convention and the resulting P-ISA kernel is sent to stdout.


Under the high_parser directory is the core of the kerngen logic with the principal classes being Parser and Generator. For completeness, we take a quick look through the files.

  • is worth a mention because it contains imports to the most commonly used types. This makes it easier to import those types from the top level including when writing kernels e.g. from high_parser import Polys.

  • is a minor file primarily containing the Config class. The class itself is used as a global singleton object to hold configuration information of kerngen. It was introduced to not disturb the existing APIs while changing global behaviour i.e. a legacy mode.

  • contains the Generator class responsible for dealing with the manifest file and loading the appropriate kernel class. Instances of Parser have an instance of this class for a given manifest file. Instances should be created using the factory class method from_manifest and providing the path to the manifest file and a scheme. Although it is referred to as scheme it is in fact just a key label mapping to a collection of grouped kernels. Lookup can then be performed using get_kernel given a valid kernel operation name.

  • contains Parser responsible for parsing the input kernel language and creating the correct corresponding command objects for the interpreter to process. The output of parsing is given by an instance of ParserResult, an object containing all the parsed information. Note that the object is lazy in generating the P-ISA operations which are returned as a python generator when the get_pisa_ops method is called. Note that one current peculiarity is that once a parser is instantiated that a generator must be set before parsing can be done. This is a current limitation that kerngen currently can only have kernels defined under the pisa_generators directory.

  • contains all the known P-ISA operations. These are essentially objects that are responsible for formatting the operation strings for kerngen outputs. The class names reflect the P-ISA operations as closely as possible.

  • has many types used by kerngen by the Parser and by kernel classes. This is where the parser types are implemented, namely, Context, Data, EmptyLine, Comment, Immediate, HighOp. Note that HighOp is the class that all kernels inherit from. The other main type of note that is implemented here is the Polys class. This is the type that is heavily utilized by kernel writers to represent polynomials. At the most basic, these polynomial objects contain: a part, elements/coefficients of the high-level data structure which themselves represent polynomials; an rns number that describes up to how many RNS numbers a part is decomposed by; and a unit represents how many units (a.k.a. a block) a part has to be divided by. The unit is both an underlying hardware division, but also for NTT operations to work a part, the part must be at least split in two to feed in as inputs to the operation.

Input kernel language

There are several kinds of commands. Keywords that cannot be used for kernel names,

- `DATA`
- `IMM`

All other commands are assumed to be operations. All operations are case insensitive, but the convention we use is the operations are capitalized. These are defined in the manifest.json file.

DATA a 2
DATA b 2
DATA c 2
ADD c a b


Context defines the global properties (scheme, poly_order, max_rns, key_rns(optional)) of the input script. CONTEXT sets a global context for properties required by the kernels.

  • first field defines what we call scheme. In reality, it specifies the set of kernel instructions given in the manifest file, see manifest.json.
  • second field defines the polynomial size for the DATA. This is required by the generating kernels to define how many units (multiples of the native polynomial size, 8192 in HERACLES silicon case) are required and handled.
  • third field defines the max RNS, the global max number of how many 32 bit prime number moduli (HERACLES silicon case) are in the modulus chain that the kernels can have or need to handle.
  • (optional) fourth field defines the key RNS, the number of additional moduli that the relinearization key has relative to the third field. i.e. If max_rns is 3 and key_rns is 1 the total max RNS of the relinearization key will be 4. Note this field is only required for calling the relin kernel.


DATA defines polynomial symbols to be used and their attribute(s) (num_parts) where num_parts is the number of polynomials that comprise the data variable.


IMM declares a fixed symbol name that can be used for operations that expect and immediate value(s).

Generating kernels

The main entry point to the kernel generator is This script expects input from stdin in the form of the input high language described above. It can be called with

./ <

where is a text file containing the high language for an ADD operation.

The kernel generator prints two comments, a context and kernel descriptor respectively, followed by the P-ISA kernel. If desired, the comments can be disabled by passing the -q or --quiet flag to the kernel generator, i.e.,

./ -q <

Adding new kernel generators

You can add new kernel generators that you have developed by creating a class that inherits from the HighOp abstract class (interface) and implementing the to_pisa method; turning this instruction into a P-ISA instruction class. Examples can be seen in the simpler implementations given in Also, provide a class method from_string that will be passed the args for that command.

For kerngen to know of your class that represents a new command of the high language, simply add an entry into the JSON object in the manifest.json file. The key of the outermost JSON object is the FHE scheme {BGV, CKKS, ...}; this key corresponds to a set of associated operations. Each operation (inner JSON object) consists of the operation name OPNAME as its key and a list containing the class name as the first entry and the file it is located in as its second. e.g.

  "SCHEME": {
    "OPNAME": ["ClassName", ""]

For kernel writers the reserved words that cannot be used as OPNAME are:


Writing kernels

The kernel generator has been designed to make it easy to add new kernels. Kernel files are typically placed in the pisa_generators directory to simplify the manifest file as the paths are relative to this directory.

Before writing the kernel you will require to import the pisa_operations module and any relevant types from the high_parser such as the HighOp and Context

import high_parser.pisa_operations as pisa_op
from high_parser.pisa_operations import PIsaOp
from high_parser import Context, HighOp, Polys

The Polys class will be the most commonly used type in most kernels to represent the inputs and outputs of the operation. This type represents the polynomials and holds information such as the name of symbol that represents the polynomial, the number of parts, and the rns.

At a high level kernels convert high-level operations into low-level P-ISA operations, thus all kernels will need to inherit from HighOp and define the conversion function to_pisa as follows

class NewKernel(HighOp):
    """Class representing the high-level NewKernel operation"""

    context: Context
    output: Polys
    input0: Polys

    def to_pisa(self) -> list[PIsaOp]:
        """Return the p-ISA equivalent of the NewKernel operation"""

If the kernel consists of an algorithm already represented by an existing kernel it is possible to import the necessary kernel and compose the new kernel using existing kernels. For example the Square kernel requires a Mul operation

from .basic import Mul

class Square(HighOp):
mul = Mul(...)

see for a complete example of this.

Mixed operations

You will find that during kernel writing, you will end up with a collection of either P-ISA operation objects, other kernel objects, or a mixture of both. For your convenience a useful function mixed_to_pisa_ops is provided that can take all of these sequentially and outputs the required list[PIsaOp].

Running the tests

Tests are provided in the tests directory and use the pytest framework. To run the tests run the following

pytest <test-directory>