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cwsoft-foldergallery module for CMS SilverStripe 3.x

The cwsoft-foldergallery module is a light weight, simple to use folder based gallery for the CMS SilverStripe 3 which enables you to setup small to medium image galleries with ease.


  • images displayed from SilverStripe assets folder (upload via Ftp or SilverStripe files & media section)
  • automatic thumbnail creation of album cover images, album pictures and the ColorBox preview images
  • automatic album and image pagination (number of albums/images per pages configurable via "_config/settings.yml")
  • option to start slide show for displayed images by mouse click
  • image description built from image filenames (e.g. "001-your-description.jpg" --> "Your description")
  • image display order configurable via "_config/settings.yml" (sort by: Filename, Creation, LastEdited in ASC/DESC order)
  • multiple albums support included (organized via subfolders)
  • image gallery appearance customizable via template and CSS files
  • multilingual support included (actual: English, Dutch, French and German)


You can download an archive of the latest development branch of the cwsoft-foldergallery module using GitHubs ZIP button. The archives of previous module releases can be found in GitHubs Tags section. The development history is tracked via GitHub.

Note: An older, but unsupported version for SilverStripe 2.4.x can be found and downloaded in the 2.4.x branch at GitHub.


The cwsoft-foldergallery module is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.0.


The minimum requirements to get the cwsoft-foldergallery module running on your SilverStripe installation are as follows:

  • SilverStripe 3.0.x or higher (recommended last stable 3.x version)
  • PHP 5.3 or higher (recommended last stable PHP 5.4.x version)


  1. download latest module archive from GitHub
  2. unpack the archive on your local computer
  3. upload the entire cwsoft-foldergallery folder to your SilverStripe root folder using your preferred Ftp program
  4. update your SilverStripe database via


To setup a cwsoft-foldergallery page with two albums "Animals" and "Buildings", just follow the steps shown in the sketch below. The steps below assume you have already installed the module before.

  1. Create a page of type Foldergallery (will serve as album overview) and save it (saving will create the folder 'assets/cwsoft-foldergallery for you)
  2. Create album folders animals and buildings inside assets/cwsoft-foldergallery via SilverStripe Files section and upload images to it. Images named "001-this-will-be-the-first-image.jpg" get a description as follows: "This will be the first image". The first image in an album folder will be used as album cover image.
  3. For the album overview page (container), we do not need to select an album image folder. This step is only required for the album children pages created in step 5
  4. Provide a description for the album overview page or the album pages via the WYSIWYG editor and save the page if done
  5. Now create child pages of type Foldergallery for the albums Animals and Buildings. Choose the album image folder from the dropdown box (3) and provide a album description via the WYSIWYG editor (4) and save the pages

Tip: If you do just want to show a single page with images on it, just follow steps 1 through 4, but choose an image folder in step 3.

A collage of the frontend view for this set-up is shown below:

Collage (album overview / album page / Colorbox effect):

Known Issues

Known issues can be tracked and reported via GitHubs issue tracking service. If you run into any issues with the cwsoft-foldergallery module, visit the issue tracker and check if a similar issue was already reported. If not, just add a new topic descriping your issue.


If you have questions or issues with cwsoft-foldergallery, please visit the SilverStripe forum thread and ask for feedback.

Always provide the following information with your support request:

  • detailed error description (what happens, what have you already tried ...)
  • the cwsoft-foldergallery version used
  • your PHP and SilverStripe version used
  • information about your operating system (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux) incl. version
  • information of your browser and browser version used


Credits go to the following SilverStripe community members who helped in one way or another to continually improve the cwsoft-foldergallery module - thanks guys highly appreciated.