Releases: InseeFr/Eno
Releases · InseeFr/Eno
Release v2.3.5
fix lunatic output
Release v2.3.4
Release v2.3.3
update log4j2 version
Release v2.3.2
Release v2.3.1
v2.3.1 : perf lunatic
Release v2.3.0
v2.3.0 : first version with mode
Release v2.2.11
2.2.11 - 07/09/2021
- [dependencies] Upgrading dependencies versions.
- [ddi2lunaticXML][core] Adding support of calculated variables scope (shapeFrom) to allow better VTL support
- [ddi2lunaticXML][core] Fixing various quoting problems for labels in lunatic-xml
- [ddi2lunaticXML][core] Preparing missing variables support with missingResponse field in relevant components
- [ddi2lunaticXML][core] Preparing controls support with controls field for simple question component
- [poguesXML2ddi][core] Adding formulas language choice : XPATH or VTL
- [poguesXML2ddi][ddi2fodt][ddi2xforms][core] Adding metadata generation : Eno version and generation date
- [ddi2fo][post-processing] Adding support of custom styles parameters for fo output
Release v2.2.10
- [dependencies] Upgrading dependencies versions.
- [javadoc] Corrections of errors.
- [ddi2out][pre-processing] Pre-processing md2xhtml : adding support of markdown links (only specific cases were supported so far)
- [ddi2out][pre-processing] Pre-processing tweak-xhtml-for-ddi : not using xsl:key (does not work) but matches in conditions for footnote pattern recognition
- [ddi2fo][post-processing] Revert to non informative barcode in first page of business fo forms (released in Eno v2.2.1).
Release v2.2.9
2.2.9 - 21/06/21
- [ddi2out][pre-processing] Redesigning of the numbering (titling.xsl). From now on, there are only 3 parameters which are: choice of the numbering of the questions (number the questions or not, and, if so, to number them in sequence or on the whole questionnaire), choice of sequence numbering (number or not the sequences), display of the symbol in front of the numbering (display or not the "arrow" symbol before the questions)
- [ddi2xforms][post-processing] Replacing 'lien-deconnexion' by 'logout-uri' for the property of the close button (insert-end.xsl) (internationalization)
- [ddi2xforms][core] adding a title attribute to img (digital accessibility)
Release v2.2.8
2.2.8 - 04/06/2021
- [dependencies] Upgrading dependencies versions (in particular Saxon version to 10.5, maven compiler to 11).
- [ddi2fo][post-processing] Renaming the fo file in the zip intended for Insee integrators.