- PicoCTF
- TryHackMe
- RootMe
- HackTheBox
- [Les bases du hacking]("pdf of realist hacking")
- introtoresearch
- crack wep
- vulversity
- burpsuite
- intro to LAN & intro to networking
- lin privesc
- gpg
- base64
- hash
- linux strength training
- linux modules
- linux privesc
- content discovery
- wgel
- basic pentesting
- rrootme
- crack the hash
- hashcat
- snyc
- httpindetail
- crack RSA
- SQL Injection
- SQL Injection 2
- prompt injection
(Ordered by difficulty/usefullness)
- nmap, ping, traceroute, dig
- gobuster, dirbuster
- ssh
- find, sed, awk, grep, tr
- john, hashcat, findmyhash, base64, pgp
- nc, ncat, netcat, ss
- curl, wget
- wireshark
- peass
- gdb
- hydra
- burpsuit
- metasploit
- meterpreter
- SQLmap
- exifTool, file, stat, which, type, xxd
- ...
- GTFOBins
- whois
- search CVE
- explain a shell command
- list of tools for stegano
- test regex
- exploit db
- Wappalyzer
- Waybackmachine
- GitHub
- S3 buckets
- find location throught SSID
- learn snyc
n | OSI | TCP/IP | Protocol | |
7 | Application | Application | data | HTTP, SSH, DHCP, FTP, DNS, SSL/TLS, ... |
6 | Présentation | Application | data | ASCII, TLS, PGP, ... |
5 | Session | Application | data | named pipe, NetBIOS, ... |
4 | Transport | Transport | segments/datagrams | TCP, UDP, ... |
3 | Network | Internet | packets | IP, ICMP, IPsec, ... |
2 | Data link | Network interface | frames | ARP, MAC, ... |
1 | Physical | Network interface | data streams | USB, Bluetooth, ... |