Steam Link build of cool-retro-term, a terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens.
To compile, run "" and when it's finished copy the "steamlink" folder to usb and reboot the Steam Link.
If you run into compiling issues (mostly with unable to find Qt), you may have to compile Qt found in "external/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.1". Run the "" in there and it will build it... may take a while though.
Mouse use (right clicking for example) is broken and will probably cause the Steam Link to crash.
Turned off quite a few effects to try to make cool retro term run at a reasonable speed... If you wish to customize it either modify the settings in "crt-src/app/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" or ssh into the Steam Link and modify the sqlite file located at "/home/apps/crt/.home/.local/share/cool-retro-term/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases".