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Documentation for ofxReprojection

  • Date: 2013-08-23
  • Version: 0.0.1

This document describes the API for the ofxReprojection addon for openFrameworks. See the README file for a general explanation of the purpose of the addon.


ofxReprojection consists of the following classes


Uses a depth camera and a projector to search for calibration points, ultimately using the ofxReprojectionCalibrationData class to calculate a reprojection matrix.

Public methods and variables:

  • bool init(ofxBase3DVideo *cam, ofxReprojectionCalibrationData *data, ofxReprojectionCalibrationConfig config = ofxReprojectionCalibrationConfig())

    Initialize the ofxReprojectionCalibration object. cam should supply

  • void update()

    Update the status of the calibration if a new frame has arrived on the depth cam. This is where the main calulations happen (e.g. the chessboard detection algorithm), and can be a heavy calculation.

  • void drawStatusScreen(float x, float y, float w, float h)

    Draw the default status screen. It consists of:

    • Camera color image
    • Camera depth image
    • Status messages
    • 3D view or monitor chessboard view
  • void drawColorImage(float x, float y, float w, float h)

    Draw the color iamge from the depth cam.

  • void drawDepthImage(float x, float y, float w, float h)

    Draw the depth image (hue colored) from the depth cam.

  • void drawStatusMessagesImage(float x, float y, float w, float h)

    Draw status messages from the calibration progress.

  • void drawChessboard(float x, float y, float w, float h)

    Draw an ideal chessboard, which should be placed so as to exactly cover the whole display area of the projector. This is the image which will be detected by the calibration loop (update()). The dimensions of the chessboard within the image can be controlled with the mouse, see setChessboardMouseControlEnabled.

  • void draw3DView(float x, float y, float w, float h)


Data set container for measured depth camera calibration point and corresponding projector points. This class will also (through updateMatrix()) call ofxReprojectionCalibration::calibrationCalcaulateReprojectionTransform to keep an updated copy of the projection matrix corresponding to the data in the container.

Public methods and variables:

  • ofxReprojectionCalibrationData()

    Construct an empty data set.

  • ofxReprojectionCalibrationData(string filename)

    Construct a data set by loading a file. See loadFile.

  • void loadFile(string filename)

    Replace data by loading from the XML file filename. See the exampleCalibrationData.xml file in the data folders in the example programs to examine the format of this file. The camera X/Y points should be in camera pixel coordinates, the camera Z points should be in mm from the sensor, and the projector points should be in [0,1]x[0,1], representing the total projector screen area.

  • void saveFile(string filename)

    Save XML file containing camera point, projector points and camera dimensions. Note that the projection matrix is not written to this file.

  • void updateMatrix()

    Calculate the reprojection matrix (which can be accessed through getMatrix()) from the camera and projector points. This function calls ofxReprojectionCalibration::calibrationCalcaulateReprojectionTransform internally.

  • ofMatrix4x4 getMatrix()

    Get the projection matrix corresponding to the camera and projector points contained in this object.

  • vector<vector<ofVec3f>>& getCamPoints()

    Return a reference to the vector of vectors containing the measurement sets of camera points.

  • vector<vector<ofVec2f>>& getProjectorPoints()

    Return a reference to the vector of vectors containing the measurement sets of projector points.

  • void addMeasurement(vector newCamPoints, vector newProjectorPoints)

    Adds a measurement set to the object. This function is called from ofxReprojectionCalibration when a set of points is successfully detected.

  • void clear()

    Clear all measurement sets.

  • void deleteLastMeasurement()

    Drop the last smeasurement set of points that was added.


Configuration data used in the ofxReprojectionCalibration class. It contains the following values, default constructor values in parantheses:

  • int num_stability_frames (20)

    How many frames to consider for temporal stability analysis of the input points.

  • int depth_min (5)

    Minimum possible valid depth value.

  • int depth_max (500 000)

    Maximum possible valid depth value.

  • bool use_planar_condition (false)

    Use planar regression to check whether the input points are on a plane. Might be reasonable if you are using a rigid planar object to project the chessboard onto.

  • float planar_threshold (0.98)

    R^2 value to decide the planar condition.

  • float variance_threshold_xy (0.3)

    Allowable X and Y variance in the temporal stability analysis.

  • float variance_threshold_z (0.01)

    Allowable Z variance in the temporal stability analysis.

  • unsigned int measurement_pause_length (3000)

    How long to pause (in ms) after successfully adding a measurement to the calibration data. The purpose of this pause is to avoid collecting very similar datasets in quick succession.


Uses the calibration data to draw a 2D image in depth camera coordinates onto the corresponding projector screen area.

Public methods and variables:

  • void init(ofxBase3DVideo *cam)

    Initializes the renderer and sets the depth camera cam which will supply the depth information.

  • void update()

    If the camera has supplied a new frame, copy it to an ofImage (also uploads to GPU) for later use in drawing.

  • void setProjectionMatrix(ofMatrix4x4 m)

    Set the projection matrix to be applied when drawing.

  • void setDrawArea(float x, float y, float w, float h)

  • void drawImage(ofTexture &tex)

    Draws image onto area set in setDrawArea from an ofTexture.

  • void drawImage(ofImage &img)

    Draws image onto area set in setDrawArea from an ofImage.

  • void drawImage(ofPixels &pix)

    Draws image onto area set in setDrawArea from ofPixels.

  • void drawImage(unsigned char* pixels, int pw, int ph)

    Draws image onto area set in setDrawArea from pixel values specified in pixels with width pw and height ph. The pointer must be to an RGB image.

  • void drawHueDepthImage()

    Equivalent to drawImage called with a hue depth image (see ofxReprojectionUtils::makeHueDepthImage). Good to have for quick demos.

  • ofFbo& getOutputFbo()

    Get a reference to the FBO used for drawing.

  • void enableTransform()

  • void disableTransform()

  • void toggleTransform()

  • void setTransformEnabled(bool b)

    Enable/disable the use of the projection transform. E.g. for debugging.

  • void setKeysEnabled(bool enable)

    Enable a key listener for the following keys:

    • 't': Toggles transform on/off. See setTransformEnabled.


Collection of static utility functions.

Public methods and variables:

  • static void setupScreen(ofxReprojectionCalibrationData &data)

    Extracts projection matrix from data and passes to setupScreen(ofMatrix4x4 m).

  • static void setupScreen(ofMatrix4x4 m)

    Applies the calibration dataset as the OpenGL projection matrix, multiplied with a orthographic projection matrix for the intervals [0,1]x[0,1]. Allows drawing of 3D points in the depth cam coordinate system, which will be projected to the reprojection space on the projector screen.

  • template static void makeHueDepthImage(T* pixels, int width, int height, int refMaxDepth, ofTexture &tex)

    Compute a hue-colored depth image from the given numerical depth values in pixels. The full hue range will be scaled to refMaxDepth, which can be calulated by getMaxDepth.

  • template static int getMaxDepth(T* pixels, int width, int height)

    Return the maximum depth from the pixels array. If no positive values are found, -1 is returned.


Create a border and text description around an ofRectangle, which fades out after some time. This class adds a draw listener and maintains a list of ofRectangles and corresponding descriptions. After a specified stay time, the graphic will fade for a specified fade time, after which it will be removed. The default stay time and fade time is 2 sec.

Public methods and variables:

  • void init()

    Adds the draw listener to the global openFrameworks draw event.

  • void highlightRect(std::string name, ofRectangle rect)

    Add a description and rectangle to be drawn.

  • float getStayTime()

  • float getFadeTime()

  • float getLineWidth()

  • void setStayTime(float f)

  • void setFadeTime(float f)

  • void setLineWidth(float f)


Equivalent to ofEasyCam, but can be used on FBOs drawn on only part of the screen. Gives a very simple to use interactive camera to view a scene. Left click drag orbits the target, right click drag dollies in and out, double click resets camera position.

Public methods and variables: