You are welcome to add more to the timeline and links to the things referenced.
States and the US Government
Social Security Number was first issued in the US
Phone Numbers by Strowger
First Use of UserID/Passwords CTSS or PDP-1 Timesharing systems MIT Login Screen
ICAP Pandl on Pasports Cards leads to MRTD
Apple founded
Publication of Records, Computers, and the Rights of Citizens by the US Dept of Health Education and Welfare.
FIPPS First Uniquely identified pack of Wrigleys Juicy Fenil Gum scanned via a UPC
Diffie-Hellman-Merkle Key Exchange
ISO/IEC 7816
Release of “jenny” (867-5309) by Tommy Tutone. Now used as a way to circumvent loyalty programs
Uniform Services Identification Card
X509 AOL user/name and password
- EU Art 29
- Number Portability
- Tick Box FOR Online Data Sharing
- ABA-DigiSig Standards
- Kenneth Lauden, Introduces the Information Market place for Sharing trading data.
- CIX in teh UK Provided a widely use bulletin board system
- X.500 -> LDAP by SUN Microsystem
- LDAP v3
- Self-Certifying Identifcation sung Public/Private Key pairs provide early decentralized Identity
- ClueTrain Manifesto
- Shiboleth Project
- Computer Freedom and Privacy
- Liberty Alliance
- SAML 1.0 (completion draft)
- IDTrust
- InfoCard/Card Space
- September 11, 2001 ** Caused President Bush to issue HSPD-12 requiring trusted identities for all the US Federal Agency employees ** Enhanced the Surveillance State, Leads to the Correlation and causation of 2010
- US Federal PKI Bridge goes live
- HSPD 12
- FIPS 201 PN-1
- Ping Identity
- ID Commons 1 founded
- SAML 1.0
- XFN rel ="me"
- Thawte Sells to Verisign
- UK REgistration and Authentication Policy Framework Published
- ASN Paper Published
- Do Not Call List
- NIST 800-63 E-Auth Levels of Association
- IIW is founded
- OpenID
- SXiP
- FOAF Workshop, Galway Ireland
- Higgins founded by Mary Ruddy and Paul Travithic
- US Government ID-Standard HSPD-12 FIPS 201 (August)
- Kaliya and Doc meet at a Giants Game!
- Internet 2.0 Social Media
- October 2014 First Electronic Passport (Interop Digital Identity)
- August 2004 HSPD 12 Poicies for 9 Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors was signed millions of identity credential have been issued under the US Federal Public Key Infrastructure
- Kim Cameron's Laws of Identity
- Identity Gang
- LID invented by Johannes
- Digital ID World
- FIPS 201 (PIV)
- First Identity Gang Call
- First IIW in October in Berkeley California
- SAML 2.0
- Dick Hardt's ID 2.0 Talk
- Information Cards
- Social Media begins - (Youtube, Facebook) establish the person as a brand
- Facebook between 2005-2008 social media
- Project VRM Founded
- Attribute Exchange
- OAuth
- Government Relationship Management
- OPenID - lack of governance
- iPhone UDID
- MA SHPIT OpenID 2007
- Venn of Identity first appeared in 2007
- OpenID Foundation
- Law and VRM (conference?)
- OpenID 2.0
- OAuth 1.0
- Open Social
- HMRC Data Breach
- DIDW InfoCard for 2DSecure
- OAuth 1.0
- Facebook Connect ?
- Higgins 1.0 Release
- Venn of Identity Published in IEEE S+P
- Information CArd Foundation Founded
- ISOC founded Trust and Identity
- Portable Contacts
- Data Sharing Summit (Mark Canter and Kaliya)
- BitCoin Blockchain
- US FCC bans ISP, from using deep packet inspection to identify intent with user content.
- Facebook Connect
- OpenID 2.0
- Learnings - finding Marketplace incentives is critical to tech adoption (Facebook access us your own URC)
- Between 2008-2013 Facebook weaponizes their premise of authenticated identity to evolve their business model @ almost everyones expenses
- XDI vote failure at W3C instigated by TBL
- OIX is founded
- Trust Framework Provider Approval at Kantara
- Facebook connect ?
- Zookos Triangle is created
- UMA is founded
- Kantara Initative is founded by Liberty Alliance
- Open Web Foundation
- Web-Finger
- Clear flies for bankrupcy and biometric data goes to bond holders
- WebFinger -> To much coordination required
- Gradual Death of URL based OpenID login as an option
- Google Started “emerald sea” which became google+
- Evolution of Mobile Phone and smart phones in particular
- Having a device always on hand that can reform more sophisticated functions
- Two Factor Authentication
- US TEAM Trust Framework
- FICAM Roadmap
- Identity Assurance Framework 2.0 (Kantara)
- US Federal Privacy Profile (Kantara)
- OIX)
- Privacy Identity Innovation Conference (Seattle)
- OAuth IETF working group
- Second Life Name Policy + Identity
- NASCIO DigitalID Work Group
- Moved from customization to correlation
- ML allowed for a correlatives model over consultation so we could implicitly consent
Chinese Government hacks into Google Gmail Servers, stealing information by and about Google users.
- Respect Trust Framework
- Virginia Commonwealth Authentcation Services is born
- Privacy Identity Innovation Conference (Santa Clara)
- NSTIC - Operational Issues, Federated Identity
- UMA (First ID)
- Cloud Identity LLC (the conference?)
- Minister at UK Government Cabinet Office Annouces Customer Centric ID Aproach for Central Government
- World Economic Forum Rethinking Personal Data
- OAuth2 WGLC
- OpenID Connect
- Do Not Track Browsers
- eduGAIN
- The development of the “token” technologies for SSO
- Customer Commons
- Intention Economy
- OAuth 2.0
- MFA with biometric authentic for consumer authentication
- FIDO Alliance Launched
- Self-Sovereign Identity Startup with Devon Leffreto whenever that was Blockchain
- Snowden Revlation
- Device based user authentication, FaceID Fingerprint, Security every device
- OpenID Connect Spec Certification Feb 26 2014
- OpenID 1.0 Feb 2014
- July eIDAS regulation enacted
- Commercial Generic Identity (23&Me)
- Genetic Identity becomes a Norm for beyond medical purposes
- OpenID connect spec on Feb 26, 2014
- March - User Managed Access 1.0
- November Rebooting Web of Trust 1 Founded
- eBankID??? (Date)
- OpenID Connect Spec Certification April 22 2015
- While paper of decentralized identity system
- OpenID connect certification April 22, 2015
- April GDPR
- August MyData Founded
- September 29 - Sovrin Annouced publicly at Personal Information Economy event in London
- Passwordless - Login -> email token every time instead of storing passwords
- Collapse of Trust ** Cambridge Analytica = Facebook ** Coorelating Data Creepyness = Google ** Senate Bills 1084 ** NSA Weapons Heist ** Equifax ** Email account hacks ATT
- Collapse of Social Networking Trust / Integrity
- Data Security Breaches
- Swaying Manipulating Public Opinion due to Anonymity of the Internet
- More White papers by Evernym and Sovrin
- April DKMS paper
- July 31 Sovrin Goes Live
- September Announcement of Equifax data breach at 148 million ID
- Rise of Truth Seeking and Trust by Users ** hunger to trust ** psychic costs mounting *** Torn associations *** loss of Identity/PI control ** Looking for understanding
- DID specification
- January User Managed Access 2.0
- May 25 GDPR
- June 28, CCPA created
- July Twitter Verified Profiles Generally Availability
- September Credit Freezes - Unfreeze nation wide
- October Launch of the UltraFICO
- Kantara Consent Recipts
- New NIST Password Requirements 800-63-3
- January 15, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism published by Shoshana Zuboff
- IEEE standard on consent is coming out soon.
- April 4 - Hyperledger Indy to Active Status
- April 10 - Android devices with fingerprint reader as FIDO key -
- Microsoft Distributed Identity Whitepaper
- DID working group being defined at W3C
- We are in the DLT enthusiasm era.
- Just Launched the ultraFICO scored + Experian Boost putting consumers in control of their data.
- Sovrin Live