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Security: IdentityPython/


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Security advisories

IdPy projects, particularly the IdPy libraries (pySAML2, pyXMLSecurity, pyeleven, oidcendpoint, and JWT-Connect-Python), are used by services around the world. IdPy has a security incident handling process that applies to all IdPy projects. Security vulnerabilities reported for an IdPy project are handled as responsibly and publicly as possible, following GitHub’s guidance on managing these types of vulnerabilities.


  • How can I report a security vulnerability?

    Anyone can submit a potential security vulnerability to [email protected]. The incident-response team will verify the issue and contact you on how this will be handled.

  • Are CVEs created for each security vulnerability?

    Yes. Each vulnerability that is reported and verified is assigned a CVE identifier. This is part of the incident-response handling process that IdPy follows. Security advisories are managed through GitHub and use GitHub as the CVE Numbering Authority (CNA). Further information on how security advisories are managed through GitHub can be found at “About GitHub’s Security Advisories”.

  • How is the community notified of vulnerabilities and associated patches?

    IdPy has multiple communication channels; the IdPy mailing list, the IdPy slack workspace (invitation) and project-specific mailing lists.

    When a new vulnerability is reported and verified, a new security advisory is created on GitHub and the issue is assigned a CVE identifier. Progress on the mitigation is tracked on a private fork, where the incident-response team and developers communicate to fix the issue.

    When the fix is ready, a release plan is prepared and all communication channels are used to notify the community of the presence of a new issue and the expected release plan. This allows the community time to prepare for a security upgrade. (Notice that security fixes are not backported at the moment.)

    When the advisory is published, GitHub automatically notifies all associated projects of the published advisory. Projects that use IdPy projects as dependencies should automatically get Pull Requests by dependabot. Additionally, all communication channels are used again, to notify the community of the release of a new version of the affected software that contains the relevant fixes that mitigate the reported issue.

  • Is there a mailing list I can join to receive security announcements?

    At this moment, there is no separate list with security announcements. We announce new and upcoming releases on the idpy-discuss mailing list and the relevant project lists. These lists have more traffic than just release or security announcements.

    As another option, one can subscribe to notifications about new releases using the “watch” mechanism provided by GitHub. When a new release is out, it is tagged and uploaded both on pypi and GitHub. You can find information about subscribing to releases on the GitHub documentation section “Configuring your watch settings for an individual repository”.

  • What is the best approach to mitigate an issue?

    Upgrade to the latest version. At this point, IdentityPython does not have the resources required to provide backports of security issues or other fixes. We urge the community to try to keep up with the latest version. The organization advocates FOSS and is open to new collaborators. Since, everything is open, users are free to backport patches on their own.

List of published security advisories

There aren’t any published security advisories