diff --git a/bot/cogs/commands/econ.py b/bot/cogs/commands/econ.py
index f9402838..f1aab8d1 100644
--- a/bot/cogs/commands/econ.py
+++ b/bot/cogs/commands/econ.py
@@ -2405,6 +2405,142 @@ async def daily_quest(self, ctx: Ctx):
         if view is not None:
             view.message = message
+    @commands.command(name="iteminfo", aliases=["ii"])
+    async def item_info(self, ctx: Ctx, *, item_name: str):
+        FORMATTED_TAGS = {
+            "4july": "Fourth of July",
+            "halloween": "Halloween",
+            "mkwii": "Mario Kart Wii",
+            "easter": "Easter",
+        }
+            "mine": f"[{self.d.emojis.netherite_pickaxe_ench}]",
+            "fish": f"[{self.d.emojis.fishing_rod} ]",
+            "4july": f"[{self.d.emojis.american_flag} Fourth of July]",
+            "halloween": "[Halloween]",
+            "mkwii": f"[{self.d.emojis.item_box} Mario Kart Wii]",
+            "easter": f"[{self.d.emojis.bunny_ears} Easter]",
+        }
+        FORMATTED_TAGS_KEYS = dict([
+            (key, idx) for idx, key in enumerate(list(FORMATTED_TAGS_FOR_TITLE))
+        ])
+        processed_item_name = item_name.lower().replace(" ", "").replace("'", "")
+        item_name, item_count = await self.db.fuzzy_fetch_item_and_count(item_name)
+        findable_entry: Findable | None
+        if item_name is None:
+            # Couldn't find item in database, so no one has it, so try to find it in
+            # findable entries
+            findable_entry = next(
+                (
+                    fe
+                    for fe in self.d.findables
+                    if fe.item.lower().replace(" ", "").replace("'", "") == processed_item_name
+                ),
+                None,
+            )
+            if findable_entry:
+                item_name = findable_entry.item
+        else:
+            findable_entry = next(
+                (fe for fe in self.d.findables if fe.item == item_name),
+                None,
+            )
+        if item_name is None:
+            await ctx.reply_embed("No item with the name can be found")
+            return
+        db_item = await self.db.fetch_item(ctx.author.id, item_name)
+        item_emoji: str | None = emojify_item(self.d, item_name, default=None)
+        embed = discord.Embed(color=self.bot.embed_color)
+        embed.title = f"{item_name} {self.d.emojis.air}"
+        if item_emoji:
+            embed.title = item_emoji + " " + embed.title
+        drop_rate_text = "Not mineable / fishable"
+        trait_text = ""
+        if db_item is not None and db_item.sellable:
+            trait_text += "💸 Sellable\n"
+        if findable_entry:
+            for findable_tag in sorted(
+                findable_entry.tags, key=(lambda t: FORMATTED_TAGS_KEYS.get(t, 100))
+            ):
+                if findable_tag in ("mine", "fish") and "disabled" in findable_entry.tags:
+                    continue
+                if formatted_tag := FORMATTED_TAGS_FOR_TITLE.get(findable_tag):
+                    embed.title += " " + formatted_tag
+            if "disabled" not in findable_entry.tags:
+                drop_rate_text = ""
+                if "mine" in findable_entry.tags:
+                    drop_rate_text += f"{self.d.emojis.netherite_pickaxe_ench} Mining: `1/{findable_entry.rarity}`\n"
+                if "fish" in findable_entry.tags:
+                    drop_rate_text += (
+                        f"{self.d.emojis.fishing_rod} Fishing: `1/{findable_entry.rarity}`\n"
+                    )
+        if item_name in ctx.l.econ.item_bible.item_mapping:
+            embed.description = (
+                "\n> \ufeff\n".join([
+                    f"> {dl.format(prefix=ctx.prefix)}"
+                    for dl in ctx.l.econ.item_bible.item_mapping[item_name].description
+                ])
+                + "\n\ufeff"
+            )
+        # tradeable: bool | None = None
+        # if findable_entry is not None:
+        #     tradeable = not findable_entry.sticky
+        # elif db_item is not None:
+        #     tradeable = not db_item.sticky
+        if (findable_entry is not None and not findable_entry.sticky) or (
+            db_item is not None and not db_item.sticky
+        ):
+            trait_text += "🤝 Tradeable\n"
+        if item_name.lower() in self.d.shop_items:
+            trait_text += "🛍️ Purchaseable in `!!shop`\n"
+        if trait_text:
+            embed.add_field(name="Traits", value=trait_text)
+            embed.add_field(name="\ufeff", value="\ufeff")
+        embed.add_field(name="Drop Rate", value=drop_rate_text)
+        embed.add_field(
+            name="Rarity",
+            value=f"`{item_count} {'person has this item' if item_count == 1 else 'people have this item'}`",
+            inline=False,
+        )
+        if (
+            findable_entry
+            and (item_season := next((t for t in findable_entry.tags if t in FORMATTED_TAGS), None))
+            and (season_dates := self.d.findable_seasons.get(item_season))
+        ):
+            item_season_name = FORMATTED_TAGS[item_season]
+            formatted_dates = f" ({season_dates[0][0]}/{season_dates[0][1]} - {season_dates[1][0]}/{season_dates[1][1]})"
+            embed.add_field(
+                name="Event / Season",
+                value=f"{item_season_name}{formatted_dates}",
+                inline=False,
+            )
+        await ctx.reply(embed=embed)
     # @commands.command(name="fight", aliases=["battle"])
     # @commands.is_owner()
     # @commands.cooldown(1, 1, commands.BucketType.user)
diff --git a/bot/cogs/core/database.py b/bot/cogs/core/database.py
index 39a141e0..501d9005 100644
--- a/bot/cogs/core/database.py
+++ b/bot/cogs/core/database.py
@@ -332,6 +332,22 @@ async def remove_item(self, user_id: int, name: str, amount: int) -> None:
         # update badges
         await self.badges.update_badge_uncle_scrooge(user_id)
+    async def fuzzy_fetch_item_and_count(self, name: str) -> tuple[str | None, int]:
+        result = await self.db.fetchrow(
+            (
+                "SELECT name, COUNT(*) AS count "
+                "FROM items WHERE "
+                "   REGEXP_REPLACE(LOWER(name), '[''\\s]', '', 'gi') = REGEXP_REPLACE(LOWER($1), '[''\\s]', '', 'gi') "
+                "GROUP BY name;"
+            ),
+            name,
+        )
+        if result is None:
+            return None, 0
+        return result["name"], result["count"]
     async def log_transaction(
         item: str,
diff --git a/bot/data/text/en.json b/bot/data/text/en.json
index 4f28c1a8..9885a57e 100644
--- a/bot/data/text/en.json
+++ b/bot/data/text/en.json
@@ -2236,6 +2236,222 @@
             "Pog champ!"
+      },
+      "item_bible": {
+        "item_mapping": {
+          "Wood Pickaxe": {
+            "description": [
+              "When mining, has a `5/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to a **Stone Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Stone Pickaxe": {
+            "description": [
+              "When mining, has a `6/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to an **Iron Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Iron Pickaxe": {
+            "description": [
+              "When mining, has a `7/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to a **Gold Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Gold Pickaxe": {
+            "description": [
+              "When mining, has a `9/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to a **Diamond Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Diamond Pickaxe": {
+            "description": [
+              "When mining, has a `11/26` chance of mining up emeralds. Upgrade to a **Netherite Pickaxe** to receive better voting rewards."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Netherite Pickaxe": {
+            "description": [
+              "When mining, has a `13/26` chance of mining up emeralds."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Wood Sword": {
+            "description": [
+              "Deals a base damage of `1-2hp` against mobs."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Stone Sword": {
+            "description": [
+              "Deals a base damage of `1-3hp` against mobs."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Iron Sword": {
+            "description": [
+              "Deals a base damage of `2-4hp` against mobs."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Gold Sword": {
+            "description": [
+              "Deals a base damage of `4-5hp` against mobs."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Diamond Sword": {
+            "description": [
+              "Deals a base damage of `6-7hp` against mobs."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Netherite Sword": {
+            "description": [
+              "Deals a base damage of `7-10hp` against mobs."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Wood Hoe": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to plant up to `10 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Stone Hoe": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to plant up to `20 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Iron Hoe": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to plant up to `30 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Gold Hoe": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to plant up to `40 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Diamond Hoe": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to plant up to `50 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Netherite Hoe": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to plant up to `60 plots` of farmland using the `{prefix}farm` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Fishing Rod": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to fish for **Cod**, **Salmon**, **Tropical Fish**, **Pufferfish**, **Rainbow Trout**, **Gold Fish**, and **Emerald Fish** using the `{prefix}fish` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Vault Potion": {
+            "description": [
+              "Use the vault potion with the `{prefix}use Vault Potion` command to increase your available `{prefix}vault` capacity."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Haste I Potion": {
+            "description": [
+              "Reduces the `{prefix}mine` command cooldown by `1 second` for `7 minutes`."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Haste II Potion": {
+            "description": [
+              "Reduces the `{prefix}mine` command cooldown by `2 seconds` for `6 minutes`."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Fortune I Book": {
+            "description": [
+              "Increases the emerald reward from the `{prefix}mine` command by `1-2 emeralds`.",
+              "This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new pickaxes. This enchantment book does not stack."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Fortune II Book": {
+            "description": [
+              "Increases the emerald reward from the `{prefix}mine` command by `1-3 emeralds`.",
+              "This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new pickaxes. This enchantment book does not stack."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Fortune III Book": {
+            "description": [
+              "Increases the emerald reward from the `{prefix}mine` command by `1-4 emeralds`.",
+              "This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new pickaxes. This enchantment book does not stack."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Sharpness I Book": {
+            "description": [
+              "Increases base sword damage by `25%` (for a total of `125%`) when fighting mobs.",
+              "This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new swords. This enchantment book does not stack."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Sharpness II Book": {
+            "description": [
+              "Increases base sword damage by `50%` (for a total of `150%`) when fighting mobs.",
+              "This enchantment book is applied automatically as long as it remains in your inventory, and also transfers to all new swords. This enchantment book does not stack."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Time Pearl": {
+            "description": [
+              "Upon using the item with the `{prefix}use Time Pearl` command, it fast-forwards time by two days; growing crops, resetting cooldowns for `{prefix}honey`, `{prefix}pillage`, `{prefix}search`, clears all active effects (for example, haste) and consumes the item."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Shield Pearl": {
+            "description": [
+              "Using this item with the `{prefix}use Shield Pearl` command will allow you to prevent people from pillaging you with the `{prefix}pillage` for up to one month. Using this item will consume it.",
+              "If you use the `{prefix}pillage` command while a **Shield Pearl** is active, its effect will be cancelled and you will become pillageable."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Rich Person Trophy": {
+            "description": [
+              "With a **Rich Person Trophy**, you get a bonus to the `{prefix}gamble` command, `200%` emeralds from the `{prefix}trashcan empty` command, `150%` emeralds from opening **Barrel**s, and `200%` emeralds from the `{prefix}mine` command. But remember... **greed has a price**..."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Jar Of Bees": {
+            "description": [
+              "Purchasing **Jar Of Bees** from the `{prefix}shop` allows you to harvest honey from them daily using the `{prefix}honey` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Glass Beaker": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to transform a **Slime Ball** into a **Beaker Of Slime** with the `{prefix}use <amount> Glass Beaker` command, allowing it to be traded with other players."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Netherite Scrap": {
+            "description": [
+              "This item is required when purchasing certain items from the `{prefix}shop`."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Slime Trophy": {
+            "description": [
+              "Having this item in your inventory decreases your chances of missing attacks against **Baby Slime**s."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Fishing Trophy": {
+            "description": [
+              "Having this item in your inventory decreases your chances of fishing up junk when using the `{prefix}fish` command."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Wheat Seed": {
+            "description": [
+              "You can plant a **Wheat Seed** using the `{prefix}farm plant <amount> Wheat Seed` command to grow `1-2` **Wheat**."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Carrot": {
+            "description": [
+              "You can plant a **Carrot** using the `{prefix}farm plant <amount> Carrot` command to grow `1-3` **Carrot**s."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Potato": {
+            "description": [
+              "You can plant a **Potato** using the `{prefix}farm plant <amount> Potato` command to grow `1-3` **Potato**es."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Melon Seed": {
+            "description": [
+              "You can plant a **Melon Seed** using the `{prefix}farm plant <amount> Melon Seed` command to grow `2-5` **Melon**."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Chorus Seed": {
+            "description": [
+              "You can plant a **Chorus Seed** using the `{prefix}farm plant <amount> Chorus Seed` command to grow `1-2` **Chorus Fruit**."
+            ]
+          },
+          "Infernum's Scroll": {
+            "description": [
+              "Allows you to change (re-roll) your daily quest with the `{prefix}use Infernum's Scroll` command. Using this item consumes it.",
+              "This item drops from all mobs with a chance of about `1/40` (affected by looting enchantments)."
+            ]
+          }
+        }
diff --git a/bot/models/translation.py b/bot/models/translation.py
index a0598f94..805960aa 100644
--- a/bot/models/translation.py
+++ b/bot/models/translation.py
@@ -778,6 +778,14 @@ class Econ_DailyQuests(ImmutableBaseModel):
     encouragements: Econ_Quests_Encouragements
+class Econ_ItemBible_MappingEntry(ImmutableBaseModel):
+    description: list[str]
+class Econ_ItemBible(ImmutableBaseModel):
+    item_mapping: dict[str, Econ_ItemBible_MappingEntry]
 class Econ(ImmutableBaseModel):
     use_a_number_stupid: str
     page: str
@@ -802,6 +810,7 @@ class Econ(ImmutableBaseModel):
     lb: Econ_Lb
     trash: Econ_Trash
     daily_quests: Econ_DailyQuests
+    item_bible: Econ_ItemBible
 class Translation(ImmutableBaseModel):