diff --git a/Static/reset.css b/Static/reset.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f389f9..0000000
--- a/Static/reset.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Static/site-old.css b/Static/site-old.css
deleted file mode 100644
index e0a0c92..0000000
--- a/Static/site-old.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
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- Cusotm
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- color: gainsboro;
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- color: orangered;
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- font-family: 'Rubik';
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- display: none;
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- fill: black;
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- padding-top: 2px;
- color: darkgray;
- padding-right: 12px;
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- .archive .topics h1.title {
- font-family: 'Vollkorn';
- font-weight: 700;
- font-size: 51pt;
- letter-spacing: 0.5;
- margin-bottom: 15px !important;
- }
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- background-color: var(--l-light-gray);
- border-radius: 3px;
- padding-top: 8px;
- padding-bottom: 9px;
- padding-left: 15px;
- padding-right: 12px;
- margin-bottom: 6px;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- justify-content: space-between;
- gap: 18px;
- font-size: 13pt;
- line-height: 1.75;
- font-family: 'Rubik', sans-serif;
- font-weight: 400;
- letter-spacing: 0.75;
- word-spacing: 1;
- }
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- background-color: #323232;
- }
- .archive .past-articles {
- font-family: 'Rubik';
- font-size: 12pt;
- font-weight: 300;
- display: block;
- line-height: 1.2;
- text-align: center;
- font-style: italic;
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- gap: 40px;
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- width: 15px;
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- header>small>span.topics {
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- }
- header>small>span.topics a:not(:last-child) {
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- }
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- border-top: 1px solid gainsboro;
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- font-weight: 300;
- padding-left: 36px;
- padding-top: 6px;
- padding-bottom: 6px;
- border-left: 6px solid #F0F0F0;
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- border: 1px solid gainsboro;
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- margin-bottom: 12px;
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- font-size: 13pt;
- font-family: 'Rubik';
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- line-height: 1.5;
- letter-spacing: 0.75;
- word-spacing: 1;
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- border: 0;
- border-top: 1px solid gainsboro;
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- margin-right: 200px;
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- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
-footer {
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- grid-row-end: 7;
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- font-weight: 300;
- margin-bottom: 0px;
- padding-top: 24px;
- padding-bottom: 24px;
- background-color: #323232;
-.dark footer {
- background-color: #121212;
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- width: 16px;
- height: 16px;
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- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- justify-content: space-between;
- gap: 12px;
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- footer a {
- color: white;
- }
-.content-footer {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- color: white;
-ul ul {
- margin-left: 24px;
-.flex {
- display: flex;
-.flex-row {
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-.margin-left-auto {
- margin-left: auto;
-.torchlight.has-focus-lines .line:not(.line-focus) {
- transition: filter 0.35s, opacity 0.35s;
- filter: blur(.095rem);
- opacity: .65;
-.torchlight.has-focus-lines:hover .line:not(.line-focus) {
- filter: blur(0px);
- opacity: 1;
-@media (max-width: 650px) {
- .post-end img {
- display: none;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Static/site.css b/Static/site.css
index 73aaa0e..c72e646 100644
--- a/Static/site.css
+++ b/Static/site.css
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ main {
img {
margin: 3rem 0;
+ border-radius: 3px;
@@ -404,9 +405,9 @@ main {
font-size: 22pt;
line-height: 1.5;
font-weight: 300;
- padding-left: 36px;
- padding-top: 6px;
- padding-bottom: 6px;
+ padding-left: 2rem;
+ padding-top: .5rem;
+ padding-bottom: .5rem;
border-left: 6px solid #F0F0F0;
diff --git a/Templates/layout.liquid b/Templates/layout.liquid
index 595c5a7..cc2067f 100644
--- a/Templates/layout.liquid
+++ b/Templates/layout.liquid
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
{% else %}
{% endif %}