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yclanlan edited this page Dec 9, 2022 · 76 revisions



  • DO:

    • Your final presentation! You can take something you did earlier this semester and expand it. You can scratch a new itch. You can make a Frankenstein project by combining earlier code. Remember it is still a 1-week assignment.
    • Prepare a 5 minute presentation to demonstrate what your project does that emphasizes its computational aspects. Ideas for what you can shape your presentation:
      • Big Question to Think About: How did "coding" this project help you understand what you were doing in a different way?
      • You don't have to explain the whole thing. Pick one algorithm you wrote and deconstruct it for us.
      • If your project is interactive, be prepared to have someone else in the class interact with it to demo what it does. (This includes preparing clear instructions.)
      • If your project is an interactive instrument intended for performance, be prepared to perform a composed piece.
      • If your project can only be demo'd outside of class, please show a short video (< 2 minutes) of the experience.
      • If your project was a collaboration, explain what part you did.
    • Post documentation in the form of a blog post. Ideally something visual, some written thoughts, and code. How do you feel about WHY you want to use code in your work now compared with the beginning of the semester? If you are struggling with your sketch and can't get things to work, you should feel free to put your energy into writing about what didn't work (and vent any frustrations!).

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Week 12

Week 11

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Week 10

Week 9

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Week 8