diff --git a/scripts/api/data/metadatablocks/citation.tsv b/scripts/api/data/metadatablocks/citation.tsv
index 375a8c67cec..5bf572fc6bc 100644
--- a/scripts/api/data/metadatablocks/citation.tsv
+++ b/scripts/api/data/metadatablocks/citation.tsv
@@ -1,141 +1,141 @@
-#metadataBlock name dataverseAlias displayName blockURI
- citation Citation Metadata https://dataverse.org/schema/citation/
+#metadataBlock name dataverseAlias displayName blockURI
+ citation Citation Metadata https://dataverse.org/schema/citation/
#datasetField name title description watermark fieldType displayOrder displayFormat advancedSearchField allowControlledVocabulary allowmultiples facetable displayoncreate required parent metadatablock_id termURI
- title Title Full title by which the Dataset is known. Enter title... text 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/title
- subtitle Subtitle A secondary title used to amplify or state certain limitations on the main title. text 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- alternativeTitle Alternative Title A title by which the work is commonly referred, or an abbreviation of the title. text 2 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/alternative
- alternativeURL Alternative URL A URL where the dataset can be viewed, such as a personal or project website. Enter full URL, starting with http:// url 3 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://schema.org/distribution
- otherId Other ID Another unique identifier that identifies this Dataset (e.g., producer's or another repository's number). none 4 : FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- otherIdAgency Agency Name of agency which generated this identifier. text 5 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE otherId citation
- otherIdValue Identifier Other identifier that corresponds to this Dataset. text 6 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE otherId citation
- author Author The person(s), corporate body(ies), or agency(ies) responsible for creating the work. none 7 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator
- authorName Name The author's Family Name, Given Name or the name of the organization responsible for this Dataset. FamilyName, GivenName or Organization text 8 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE author citation
- authorAffiliation Affiliation The organization with which the author is affiliated. text 9 (#VALUE) TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE author citation
- authorIdentifierScheme Identifier Scheme Name of the identifier scheme (ORCID, ISNI). text 10 - #VALUE: FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE author citation http://purl.org/spar/datacite/AgentIdentifierScheme
- authorIdentifier Identifier Uniquely identifies an individual author or organization, according to various schemes. text 11 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE author citation http://purl.org/spar/datacite/AgentIdentifier
- datasetContact Contact The contact(s) for this Dataset. none 12 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE citation
- datasetContactName Name The contact's Family Name, Given Name or the name of the organization. FamilyName, GivenName or Organization text 13 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE datasetContact citation
- datasetContactAffiliation Affiliation The organization with which the contact is affiliated. text 14 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE datasetContact citation
- datasetContactEmail E-mail The e-mail address(es) of the contact(s) for the Dataset. This will not be displayed. email 15 #EMAIL FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE datasetContact citation
- dsDescription Description A summary describing the purpose, nature, and scope of the Dataset. none 16 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE citation
- dsDescriptionValue Text A summary describing the purpose, nature, and scope of the Dataset. textbox 17 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE dsDescription citation
- dsDescriptionDate Date In cases where a Dataset contains more than one description (for example, one might be supplied by the data producer and another prepared by the data repository where the data are deposited), the date attribute is used to distinguish between the two descriptions. The date attribute follows the ISO convention of YYYY-MM-DD. YYYY-MM-DD date 18 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE dsDescription citation
- subject Subject Domain-specific Subject Categories that are topically relevant to the Dataset. text 19 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject
- keyword Keyword Key terms that describe important aspects of the Dataset. none 20 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE citation
- keywordValue Term Key terms that describe important aspects of the Dataset. Can be used for building keyword indexes and for classification and retrieval purposes. A controlled vocabulary can be employed. The vocab attribute is provided for specification of the controlled vocabulary in use, such as LCSH, MeSH, or others. The vocabURI attribute specifies the location for the full controlled vocabulary. text 21 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE keyword citation
- keywordVocabulary Vocabulary For the specification of the keyword controlled vocabulary in use, such as LCSH, MeSH, or others. text 22 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE keyword citation
- keywordVocabularyURI Vocabulary URL Keyword vocabulary URL points to the web presence that describes the keyword vocabulary, if appropriate. Enter an absolute URL where the keyword vocabulary web site is found, such as http://www.my.org. Enter full URL, starting with http:// url 23 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE keyword citation
- topicClassification Topic Classification The classification field indicates the broad important topic(s) and subjects that the data cover. Library of Congress subject terms may be used here. none 24 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- topicClassValue Term Topic or Subject term that is relevant to this Dataset. text 25 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE topicClassification citation
- topicClassVocab Vocabulary Provided for specification of the controlled vocabulary in use, e.g., LCSH, MeSH, etc. text 26 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE topicClassification citation
- topicClassVocabURI Vocabulary URL Specifies the URL location for the full controlled vocabulary. Enter full URL, starting with http:// url 27 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE topicClassification citation
- publication Related Publication Publications that use the data from this Dataset. The full list of Related Publications will be displayed on the metadata tab. none 28 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/isReferencedBy
- publicationCitation Citation The full bibliographic citation for this related publication. textbox 29 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE publication citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/bibliographicCitation
- publicationIDType ID Type The type of digital identifier used for this publication (e.g., Digital Object Identifier (DOI)). text 30 #VALUE: TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE publication citation http://purl.org/spar/datacite/ResourceIdentifierScheme
- publicationIDNumber ID Number The identifier for the selected ID type. text 31 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE publication citation http://purl.org/spar/datacite/ResourceIdentifier
- publicationURL URL Link to the publication web page (e.g., journal article page, archive record page, or other). Enter full URL, starting with http:// url 32 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE publication citation https://schema.org/distribution
- notesText Notes Additional important information about the Dataset. textbox 33 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE citation
- language Language Language of the Dataset text 34 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/language
- producer Producer Person or organization with the financial or administrative responsibility over this Dataset none 35 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- producerName Name Producer name FamilyName, GivenName or Organization text 36 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE producer citation
- producerAffiliation Affiliation The organization with which the producer is affiliated. text 37 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE producer citation
- producerAbbreviation Abbreviation The abbreviation by which the producer is commonly known. (ex. IQSS, ICPSR) text 38 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE producer citation
- producerURL URL Producer URL points to the producer's web presence, if appropriate. Enter an absolute URL where the producer's web site is found, such as http://www.my.org. Enter full URL, starting with http:// url 39 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE producer citation
- producerLogoURL Logo URL URL for the producer's logo, which points to this producer's web-accessible logo image. Enter an absolute URL where the producer's logo image is found, such as http://www.my.org/images/logo.gif. Enter full URL for image, starting with http:// url 40
- productionDate Production Date Date when the data collection or other materials were produced (not distributed, published or archived). YYYY-MM-DD date 41 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation
- productionPlace Production Place The location where the data collection and any other related materials were produced. text 42 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- contributor Contributor The organization or person responsible for either collecting, managing, or otherwise contributing in some form to the development of the resource. none 43 : FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/contributor
- contributorType Type The type of contributor of the resource. text 44 #VALUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE contributor citation
- contributorName Name The Family Name, Given Name or organization name of the contributor. FamilyName, GivenName or Organization text 45 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE contributor citation
- grantNumber Grant Information Grant Information none 46 : FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://schema.org/sponsor
- grantNumberAgency Grant Agency Grant Number Agency text 47 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE grantNumber citation
- grantNumberValue Grant Number The grant or contract number of the project that sponsored the effort. text 48 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE grantNumber citation
- distributor Distributor The organization designated by the author or producer to generate copies of the particular work including any necessary editions or revisions. none 49 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- distributorName Name Distributor name FamilyName, GivenName or Organization text 50 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE distributor citation
- distributorAffiliation Affiliation The organization with which the distributor contact is affiliated. text 51 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE distributor citation
- distributorAbbreviation Abbreviation The abbreviation by which this distributor is commonly known (e.g., IQSS, ICPSR). text 52 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE distributor citation
- distributorURL URL Distributor URL points to the distributor's web presence, if appropriate. Enter an absolute URL where the distributor's web site is found, such as http://www.my.org. Enter full URL, starting with http:// url 53 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE distributor citation
- distributorLogoURL Logo URL URL of the distributor's logo, which points to this distributor's web-accessible logo image. Enter an absolute URL where the distributor's logo image is found, such as http://www.my.org/images/logo.gif. Enter full URL for image, starting with http:// url 54
- distributionDate Distribution Date Date that the work was made available for distribution/presentation. YYYY-MM-DD date 55 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation
- depositor Depositor The person (Family Name, Given Name) or the name of the organization that deposited this Dataset to the repository. text 56 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- dateOfDeposit Deposit Date Date that the Dataset was deposited into the repository. YYYY-MM-DD date 57 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/dateSubmitted
- timePeriodCovered Time Period Covered Time period to which the data refer. This item reflects the time period covered by the data, not the dates of coding or making documents machine-readable or the dates the data were collected. Also known as span. none 58 ; FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://schema.org/temporalCoverage
- timePeriodCoveredStart Start Start date which reflects the time period covered by the data, not the dates of coding or making documents machine-readable or the dates the data were collected. YYYY-MM-DD date 59 #NAME: #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE timePeriodCovered citation
- timePeriodCoveredEnd End End date which reflects the time period covered by the data, not the dates of coding or making documents machine-readable or the dates the data were collected. YYYY-MM-DD date 60 #NAME: #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE timePeriodCovered citation
- dateOfCollection Date of Collection Contains the date(s) when the data were collected. none 61 ; FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- dateOfCollectionStart Start Date when the data collection started. YYYY-MM-DD date 62 #NAME: #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE dateOfCollection citation
- dateOfCollectionEnd End Date when the data collection ended. YYYY-MM-DD date 63 #NAME: #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE dateOfCollection citation
- kindOfData Kind of Data Type of data included in the file: survey data, census/enumeration data, aggregate data, clinical data, event/transaction data, program source code, machine-readable text, administrative records data, experimental data, psychological test, textual data, coded textual, coded documents, time budget diaries, observation data/ratings, process-produced data, or other. text 64 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/discovery#kindOfData
- series Series Information about the Dataset series. none 65 : FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- seriesName Name Name of the dataset series to which the Dataset belongs. text 66 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE series citation
- seriesInformation Information History of the series and summary of those features that apply to the series as a whole. textbox 67 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE series citation
- software Software Information about the software used to generate the Dataset. none 68 , FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/#wasGeneratedBy
- softwareName Name Name of software used to generate the Dataset. text 69 #VALUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE software citation
- softwareVersion Version Version of the software used to generate the Dataset. text 70 #NAME: #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE software citation
- relatedMaterial Related Material Any material related to this Dataset. textbox 71 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- relatedDatasets Related Datasets Any Datasets that are related to this Dataset, such as previous research on this subject. textbox 72 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/relation
- otherReferences Other References Any references that would serve as background or supporting material to this Dataset. text 73 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/references
- dataSources Data Sources List of books, articles, serials, or machine-readable data files that served as the sources of the data collection. textbox 74 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/#wasDerivedFrom
- originOfSources Origin of Sources For historical materials, information about the origin of the sources and the rules followed in establishing the sources should be specified. textbox 75 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- characteristicOfSources Characteristic of Sources Noted Assessment of characteristics and source material. textbox 76 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
- accessToSources Documentation and Access to Sources Level of documentation of the original sources. textbox 77 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
-#controlledVocabulary DatasetField Value identifier displayOrder
- subject Agricultural Sciences D01 0
- subject Arts and Humanities D0 1
- subject Astronomy and Astrophysics D1 2
- subject Business and Management D2 3
- subject Chemistry D3 4
- subject Computer and Information Science D7 5
- subject Earth and Environmental Sciences D4 6
- subject Engineering D5 7
- subject Law D8 8
- subject Mathematical Sciences D9 9
- subject Medicine, Health and Life Sciences D6 10
- subject Physics D10 11
- subject Social Sciences D11 12
- subject Other D12 13
- publicationIDType ark 0
- publicationIDType arXiv 1
- publicationIDType bibcode 2
- publicationIDType doi 3
- publicationIDType ean13 4
- publicationIDType eissn 5
- publicationIDType handle 6
- publicationIDType isbn 7
- publicationIDType issn 8
- publicationIDType istc 9
- publicationIDType lissn 10
- publicationIDType lsid 11
- publicationIDType pmid 12
- publicationIDType purl 13
- publicationIDType upc 14
- publicationIDType url 15
- publicationIDType urn 16
- contributorType Data Collector 0
- contributorType Data Curator 1
- contributorType Data Manager 2
- contributorType Editor 3
- contributorType Funder 4
- contributorType Hosting Institution 5
- contributorType Project Leader 6
- contributorType Project Manager 7
- contributorType Project Member 8
- contributorType Related Person 9
- contributorType Researcher 10
- contributorType Research Group 11
- contributorType Rights Holder 12
- contributorType Sponsor 13
- contributorType Supervisor 14
- contributorType Work Package Leader 15
- contributorType Other 16
- authorIdentifierScheme ORCID 0
- authorIdentifierScheme ISNI 1
- authorIdentifierScheme LCNA 2
- authorIdentifierScheme VIAF 3
- authorIdentifierScheme GND 4
- authorIdentifierScheme DAI 5
- authorIdentifierScheme ResearcherID 6
- authorIdentifierScheme ScopusID 7
+ title Title The main title of the Dataset text 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/title
+ subtitle Subtitle A secondary title that amplifies or states certain limitations on the main title text 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ alternativeTitle Alternative Title Either 1) a title commonly used to refer to the Dataset or 2) an abbreviation of the main title text 2 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/alternative
+ alternativeURL Alternative URL Another URL where one can view or access the data in the Dataset, e.g. a project or personal webpage https:// url 3 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://schema.org/distribution
+ otherId Other Identifier Another unique identifier for the Dataset (e.g. producer's or another repository's identifier) none 4 : FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ otherIdAgency Agency The name of the agency that generated the other identifier text 5 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE otherId citation
+ otherIdValue Identifier Another identifier uniquely identifies the Dataset text 6 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE otherId citation
+ author Author The entity, e.g. a person or organization, that created the Dataset none 7 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator
+ authorName Name The name of the author, such as the person's name or the name of an organization 1) Family Name, Given Name or 2) Organization XYZ text 8 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE author citation
+ authorAffiliation Affiliation The name of the entity affiliated with the author, e.g. an organization's name Organization XYZ text 9 (#VALUE) TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE author citation
+ authorIdentifierScheme Identifier Type The type of identifier that uniquely identifies the author (e.g. ORCID, ISNI) text 10 - #VALUE: FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE author citation http://purl.org/spar/datacite/AgentIdentifierScheme
+ authorIdentifier Identifier Uniquely identifies the author when paired with an identifier type text 11 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE author citation http://purl.org/spar/datacite/AgentIdentifier
+ datasetContact Point of Contact The entity, e.g. a person or organization, that users of the Dataset can contact with questions none 12 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE citation
+ datasetContactName Name The name of the point of contact, e.g. the person's name or the name of an organization 1) FamilyName, GivenName or 2) Organization text 13 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE datasetContact citation
+ datasetContactAffiliation Affiliation The name of the entity affiliated with the point of contact, e.g. an organization's name Organization XYZ text 14 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE datasetContact citation
+ datasetContactEmail E-mail The point of contact's email address name@email.xyz email 15 #EMAIL FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE datasetContact citation
+ dsDescription Description A summary describing the purpose, nature, and scope of the Dataset none 16 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE citation
+ dsDescriptionValue Text A summary describing the purpose, nature, and scope of the Dataset textbox 17 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE dsDescription citation
+ dsDescriptionDate Date The date when the description was added to the Dataset. If the Dataset contains more than one description, e.g. the data producer supplied one description and the data repository supplied another, this date is used to distinguish between the descriptions YYYY-MM-DD date 18 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE dsDescription citation
+ subject Subject The area of study relevant to the Dataset text 19 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject
+ keyword Keyword A key term that describes an important aspect of the Dataset and information about any controlled vocabulary used none 20 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE citation
+ keywordValue Term A key term that describes important aspects of the Dataset text 21 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE keyword citation
+ keywordVocabulary Controlled Vocabulary Name The controlled vocabulary used for the keyword term (e.g. LCSH, MeSH) text 22 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE keyword citation
+ keywordVocabularyURI Controlled Vocabulary URL The URL where one can access information about the term's controlled vocabulary https:// url 23 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE keyword citation
+ topicClassification Topic Classification Indicates a broad, important topic or subject that the Dataset covers and information about any controlled vocabulary used none 24 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ topicClassValue Term A topic or subject term text 25 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE topicClassification citation
+ topicClassVocab Controlled Vocabulary Name The controlled vocabulary used for the keyword term (e.g. LCSH, MeSH) text 26 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE topicClassification citation
+ topicClassVocabURI Controlled Vocabulary URL The URL where one can access information about the term's controlled vocabulary https:// url 27 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE topicClassification citation
+ publication Related Publication The article or report that uses the data in the Dataset. The full list of related publications will be displayed on the metadata tab none 28 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/isReferencedBy
+ publicationCitation Citation The full bibliographic citation for the related publication textbox 29 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE publication citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/bibliographicCitation
+ publicationIDType Identifier Type The type of identifier that uniquely identifies a related publication text 30 #VALUE: TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE publication citation http://purl.org/spar/datacite/ResourceIdentifierScheme
+ publicationIDNumber Identifier The identifier for a related publication text 31 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE publication citation http://purl.org/spar/datacite/ResourceIdentifier
+ publicationURL URL The URL form of the identifier entered in the Identifier field, e.g. the DOI URL if a DOI was entered in the Identifier field. Used to display what was entered in the ID Type and ID Number fields as a link. If what was entered in the Identifier field has no URL form, the URL of the publication webpage is used, e.g. a journal article webpage https:// url 32 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE publication citation https://schema.org/distribution
+ notesText Notes Additional information about the Dataset textbox 33 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE citation
+ language Language A language that the Dataset's files is written in text 34 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/language
+ producer Producer The entity, such a person or organization, managing the finances or other administrative processes involved in the creation of the Dataset none 35 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ producerName Name The name of the entity, e.g. the person's name or the name of an organization 1) FamilyName, GivenName or 2) Organization text 36 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE producer citation
+ producerAffiliation Affiliation The name of the entity affiliated with the producer, e.g. an organization's name Organization XYZ text 37 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE producer citation
+ producerAbbreviation Abbreviated Name The producer's abbreviated name (e.g. IQSS, ICPSR) text 38 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE producer citation
+ producerURL URL The URL of the producer's website https:// url 39 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE producer citation
+ producerLogoURL Logo URL The URL of the producer's logo https:// url 40
+ productionDate Production Date The date when the data were produced (not distributed, published, or archived) YYYY-MM-DD date 41 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation
+ productionPlace Production Location The location where the data and any related materials were produced or collected text 42 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ contributor Contributor The entity, such as a person or organization, responsible for collecting, managing, or otherwise contributing to the development of the Dataset none 43 : FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/contributor
+ contributorType Type Indicates the type of contribution made to the dataset text 44 #VALUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE contributor citation
+ contributorName Name The name of the contributor, e.g. the person's name or the name of an organization 1) FamilyName, GivenName or 2) Organization text 45 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE contributor citation
+ grantNumber Funding Information Information about the Dataset's financial support none 46 : FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://schema.org/sponsor
+ grantNumberAgency Agency The agency that provided financial support for the Dataset Organization XYZ text 47 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE grantNumber citation
+ grantNumberValue Identifier The grant identifier or contract identifier of the agency that provided financial support for the Dataset text 48 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE grantNumber citation
+ distributor Distributor The entity, such as a person or organization, designated to generate copies of the Dataset, including any editions or revisions none 49 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ distributorName Name The name of the entity, e.g. the person's name or the name of an organization 1) FamilyName, GivenName or 2) Organization text 50 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE distributor citation
+ distributorAffiliation Affiliation The name of the entity affiliated with the distributor, e.g. an organization's name Organization XYZ text 51 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE distributor citation
+ distributorAbbreviation Abbreviated Name The distributor's abbreviated name (e.g. IQSS, ICPSR) text 52 (#VALUE) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE distributor citation
+ distributorURL URL The URL of the distributor's webpage https:// url 53 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE distributor citation
+ distributorLogoURL Logo URL The URL of the distributor's logo image, used to show the image on the Dataset's page https:// url 54
+ distributionDate Distribution Date The date when the Dataset was made available for distribution/presentation YYYY-MM-DD date 55 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation
+ depositor Depositor The entity, such as a person or organization, that deposited the Dataset in the repository 1) FamilyName, GivenName or 2) Organization text 56 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ dateOfDeposit Deposit Date The date when the Dataset was deposited into the repository YYYY-MM-DD date 57 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/dateSubmitted
+ timePeriodCovered Time Period The time period that the data refer to. Also known as span. This is the time period covered by the data, not the dates of coding, collecting data, or making documents machine-readable none 58 ; FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://schema.org/temporalCoverage
+ timePeriodCoveredStart Start Date The start date of the time period that the data refer to YYYY-MM-DD date 59 #NAME: #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE timePeriodCovered citation
+ timePeriodCoveredEnd End Date The end date of the time period that the data refer to YYYY-MM-DD date 60 #NAME: #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE timePeriodCovered citation
+ dateOfCollection Date of Collection The dates when the data were collected or generated none 61 ; FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ dateOfCollectionStart Start Date The date when the data collection started YYYY-MM-DD date 62 #NAME: #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE dateOfCollection citation
+ dateOfCollectionEnd End Date The date when the data collection ended YYYY-MM-DD date 63 #NAME: #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE dateOfCollection citation
+ kindOfData Data Type The type of data included in the files (e.g. survey data, clinical data, or machine-readable text) text 64 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE citation http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/discovery#kindOfData
+ series Series Information about the dataset series to which the Dataset belong none 65 : FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ seriesName Name The name of the dataset series text 66 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE series citation
+ seriesInformation Information Can include 1) a history of the series and 2) a summary of features that apply to the series textbox 67 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE series citation
+ software Software Information about the software used to generate the Dataset none 68 , FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/#wasGeneratedBy
+ softwareName Name The name of software used to generate the Dataset text 69 #VALUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE software citation
+ softwareVersion Version The version of the software used to generate the Dataset, e.g. 4.11 text 70 #NAME: #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE software citation
+ relatedMaterial Related Material Information, such as a persistent ID or citation, about the material related to the Dataset, such as appendices or sampling information available outside of the Dataset textbox 71 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ relatedDatasets Related Dataset Information, such as a persistent ID or citation, about a related dataset, such as previous research on the Dataset's subject textbox 72 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/relation
+ otherReferences Other Reference Information, such as a persistent ID or citation, about another type of resource that provides background or supporting material to the Dataset text 73 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation http://purl.org/dc/terms/references
+ dataSources Data Source Information, such as a persistent ID or citation, about sources of the Dataset (e.g. a book, article, serial, or machine-readable data file) textbox 74 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/#wasDerivedFrom
+ originOfSources Origin of Historical Sources For historical sources, the origin and any rules followed in establishing them as sources textbox 75 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ characteristicOfSources Characteristic of Sources Characteristics not already noted elsewhere textbox 76 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ accessToSources Documentation and Access to Sources 1) Methods or procedures for accessing data sources and 2) any special permissions needed for access textbox 77 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE citation
+ #controlledVocabulary DatasetField Value identifier displayOrder
+ subject Agricultural Sciences D01 0
+ subject Arts and Humanities D0 1
+ subject Astronomy and Astrophysics D1 2
+ subject Business and Management D2 3
+ subject Chemistry D3 4
+ subject Computer and Information Science D7 5
+ subject Earth and Environmental Sciences D4 6
+ subject Engineering D5 7
+ subject Law D8 8
+ subject Mathematical Sciences D9 9
+ subject Medicine, Health and Life Sciences D6 10
+ subject Physics D10 11
+ subject Social Sciences D11 12
+ subject Other D12 13
+ publicationIDType ark 0
+ publicationIDType arXiv 1
+ publicationIDType bibcode 2
+ publicationIDType doi 3
+ publicationIDType ean13 4
+ publicationIDType eissn 5
+ publicationIDType handle 6
+ publicationIDType isbn 7
+ publicationIDType issn 8
+ publicationIDType istc 9
+ publicationIDType lissn 10
+ publicationIDType lsid 11
+ publicationIDType pmid 12
+ publicationIDType purl 13
+ publicationIDType upc 14
+ publicationIDType url 15
+ publicationIDType urn 16
+ contributorType Data Collector 0
+ contributorType Data Curator 1
+ contributorType Data Manager 2
+ contributorType Editor 3
+ contributorType Funder 4
+ contributorType Hosting Institution 5
+ contributorType Project Leader 6
+ contributorType Project Manager 7
+ contributorType Project Member 8
+ contributorType Related Person 9
+ contributorType Researcher 10
+ contributorType Research Group 11
+ contributorType Rights Holder 12
+ contributorType Sponsor 13
+ contributorType Supervisor 14
+ contributorType Work Package Leader 15
+ contributorType Other 16
+ authorIdentifierScheme ORCID 0
+ authorIdentifierScheme ISNI 1
+ authorIdentifierScheme LCNA 2
+ authorIdentifierScheme VIAF 3
+ authorIdentifierScheme GND 4
+ authorIdentifierScheme DAI 5
+ authorIdentifierScheme ResearcherID 6
+ authorIdentifierScheme ScopusID 7
language Abkhaz 0
language Afar 1 aar
language Afrikaans 2 afr