3.0.7 (Unreleased)
- Enhancement #133 Add valid thru label customization.
- Add documentation for public apis.
- Fixed #126 Add a flag to disable autofill hints for credit card number as workaround to fix incorrect keyboard.
- Enhancement #129 Obscure initial character in credit card widget
- Enhancement #131 Add a flag to enable/disable cvv in credit card form
- New card brands (Elo/Hipercard) was added #109
- Enhancement #111 Added Support for controlling the internal padding.
- Fixed #112 Update bg color gradient.
- Added cardBorder parameter on CreditCardWidget widget.
- CreditCardWidget UI updated.
- Dependencies Upgraded #97
- Fixed #66 The expiry date on the cards should be based on the last day of that month.
- Fixed #86 Added a custom validator to each TextField.
- Enhancement #55 Added Support for optional function to execute onEditingComplete callback.
- Enhancement #72 Automatically add leading 0 to expiry date when it starts with 2-9.
- Enhancement #94 Allowing separate form field keys gives control to developer validating separate fields.
- Fixed #73 - Pass AutovalidateMode to CreditCardForm
- Fixed #82 - Added support to add network image as card background
- Fixed #46 - Card number Regex issue for safari and web
- Fixed #40 - Absence of focus node in credit_card_form.dart
- Fixed #57 - Can we specify a custom card type logos
- License update from BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" to MIT
- Glassmorphism UI.
- Image background for card.
- Chip option for card.
- Card rotation on swipe gesture.
- Example with new changes
- Migrated to null safety.
- Fixed #17 - Added translations for captions.
- Fixed #16 - Validate Input card details.
- Fixed 15 - Change hint Color and enabled border color
- Fixed #9 - change labelText and hintText
- Fixed #2 - textfield validation
- Feature : Added number and CVV obfuscation
- Feature : Added input decorations
- Feature : Added simple card input validations
- Feature : Applied Default ThemeData.
- Added CreditCard with Form Widget
. - Bug and Lint check fixes
- Code Improvements
- First Release