Here are listed courses and series of tasks made with INGInious, that are free and open-source and thus freely reusable to base your own courses on them or take inspiration to create new ones.
The link to the course is given, along with a short description, its license and the name of institution (if any) maintaining it.
You are free to copy and modify most of these courses, according to their licenses. If you want to contribute to one, PR and issues are welcome on most of their related repositories.
You made an open-source course or series of tasks? Feel free to contact us or directly do a PR on this repository!
Name | Introduction to computer systems |
Link | |
Language | English / French |
Description | Introductory course to computer systems. Exercices in C about I/O, syscalls, multithreading, locking, ... |
License | GPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Pr. Olivier Bonaventure, his assistants and students |
Name | Computer Science 1 |
Link | |
Language | French |
Description | First course in CS for new university students. Based on Java. |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Full list on repo. Course given at UCLouvain by Pr. Olivier Bonaventure and Pr. Charles Pecheur |
Name | Computer Science 2 |
Link | |
Language | English |
Description | Second course in CS for university students. Based on Java. |
License | CC-BY-SA |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Full list on repo. Course given at UCLouvain by Pr. Pierre Schaus and Pr. Ramin Sadre |
Name | Demo tasks |
Link | |
Language | English |
Description | A short tutorial on how to create tasks in INGInious |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Anthony Gégo |
Name | INGInious C++ demonstration tasks |
Link | |
Language | English |
Description | A demo for C++ tasks, with error highlighting |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | Matthias Möller |
Authors | Matthias Möller |
Name | Data structures and algorithms |
Link | |
Language | French |
Description | An introduction to data structures and algorithms |
License | CC-BY-SA |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Xavier Gillard, Julien Bastin and Guillaume Derval |
Name | Blockly |
Link | |
Language | French |
Description | An base course on Blockly tasks |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Ludovic Taffin |
Name | Algorithmes et recettes de cuisine |
Link | |
Language | French |
Description | Mémoire didactique de l'informatique - algorithme en cuisinant. Le cours est disponible ici : |
License | GPL 3 |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Charline Outters |
Name | [Introduction IA] Les réseaux de neurones |
Link | |
Language | French |
Description | Présentation du concept d'intelligence artificielle des "réseaux neuronaux". Le cours est disponible ici : |
License | GPL 3 |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Loan Sens |
Name | [Blockly] Exercices OpenWeek |
Link | |
Language | French |
Description | Ces exemples de tâches ont été créées par un groupe d'étudiant durant l'open week. Elles sont disponibles ici : |
License | GPL 3 |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Ilias Boutchichi, Guillaume Bellon, Sophie Schorochoff, Naitali Brandon, Colin Evrard, François Duchêne, Damien Raquet, Olivier Martin, Robin Descamps, François Michel |
Name | Les bio-informaticiens mènent l'enquête ! Blockly - PRIMM |
Link | |
Language | Français |
Description | Ce cours introduit une série de concepts informatiques au travers d'une petite enquête scientifique. Les outils utilisés sont : Blockly et la méthodologie PRIMM. Le cours est disponible ici : |
License | GPL 3 |
Maintainer | UCLouvain - INGI |
Authors | Cyrille Debongnie |