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@author Grant McKenzie
@date 1481912452
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_ifpritxt = {};
_ifpritxt.home = "<p> </p><h1>Visualizing CGIAR's Research Partnership</h1><p><img src='img/1489729111_paperlite-21.png' align=right>To understand the extent of CGIAR's research portfolio and partnerships, we analyzed the co-authorships of more than 12,000 SCI-indexed journal articles published by CGIAR scientists for 2000-2016. We first examined whether CGIAR’s scientific and technical partnerships were broadened across CGIAR Centers and with external partners. Additionally, we also examined if there is a notable spatio-temporal trend of research sites, by georeferencing the bibliography. These scientometric analysis techniques showed that:</p><ul><li>More papers published in more diverse journals over time (2000: 370 papers in 158 journals, 2015: 1223 papers in 467 journals).</li><li>Percentage of papers co-authored by one Center decreased from about 20% to 8%. During the period, the percentage of papers published in partnership with more than one Center has almost doubled, from 11% to 20%.</li><li>Overall percentage of papers published with external partners were not changed at about 70%, yet Center-to-Center partnerships have diversified, from 32 institutional co-authorships in 2000 to 127 in 2015.</li><li>More diverse topics of studies are published. In 2000, about 33% of papers published were on agronomy and plant sciences. This proportion continuously decreased over time, down to about 25% in 2015. At the same time, many new and interdisciplinary research topics emerged, such as economics (from 8% to 12%), environmental sciences (from 3% to 11%), planning and development (from 1% to 4%), and food technology (from 3% to 5%).</li><li>Spatial extent of CGIAR's research sites also notably broadened, from 47 countries in 2000-2004 to 78 countries in 2012-2016.</li></ul><p>All underlying dataset is available to download from <a href='https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZV1JCQ'>IFPRI Dataverse</a>.</p><p><b>Note</b>: As of writing (March 2017), analysis results shown in this website are not finalized yet; the data is still being actively analyzed. If you have any feedback comments or find something doesn't look right, please <a href=http://www.ifpri.org/profile/jawoo-koo>let us know</a>.";
_ifpritxt.collaborationsyear = " <br><h2>Yearly Collaboration</h2><p>The <i>Chord</i> visualization below shows organization co-authorship between academic publications in the CGIAR system. Hover over a organization name to highlight the links to other countries. Hover over a link to view the number of co-author publications. Move the slider on the right to change the year of publication.<p>";
_ifpritxt.collaborationscrp = " <br><h2>CRP Collaboration</h2><p>The Chord visualization below shows organization co-authorship between academic publications in the CGIAR system. Hover over a organization name to highlight the links to other organization. Hover over a link to view the number of co-author publications. Click one of the buttons on the right to change the set of publications.</p>";
_ifpritxt.tableview = " <br><h2>Table View</h2><p>The <i>Table</i> view simply shows the publications in a table format including Title, Authors, DOI, Organizations and Year. Note only papers with DOIs are listed. Click on a column header to sort the data or use the Search box to search across all publications.";
_ifpritxt.mapview = " <br><h2>Map View</h2><p>Excluding studies with no geographic specificity, about 16% of the bibliography was successfully georeferenced using <a href=https://github.com/Berico-Technologies/CLAVIN>CLAVIN</a>, an open source geoparsing tool. Interactive version of this map is available at <a href=https://public.tableau.com/views/CGIARResearchLocations2000-2016/Dashboard?:embed=y&:display_count=yes target=_blank>Tableau Public</a>.</p><p><a href=https://public.tableau.com/views/CGIARResearchLocations2000-2016/Dashboard?:embed=y&:display_count=yes><img src=img/webofscience_places_centers_all_02_2017_1024x546.png></a></p>";
_ifpritxt.streamgraph = "The Streamgraph visualization below shows the top 30 keywords assigned to publications from 2000 to 2016. Hover over a keyword stream to see the number of publications with that keyword. Click on a keyword stream to interact with the publications in the table below.";
_ifpritxt.about = " <br><h2>ABOUT</h2><p><b>Background, Motivation, and Hypothesis |</b> <a href=http://cgiar.org>CGIAR</a></b> is a global agricultural research partnership formed in 1971, on the basis of convincing evidence that agricultural science is a powerful instrument for combating hunger. CGIAR's research is dedicated to reducing poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and improving natural resources and ecosystem services. CGIAR proved that dramatic increases in agricultural productivity is possible through the widespread adoption of new, high-yielding crop varieties, combines with increased use of fertilizers, irrigation and other inputs, in what came to be celebrated as the Green Revolution. Its research is carried out by 15 CGIAR centers in close collaboration with hundreds of partners. Since early beginnings, the CGIAR System had evolved to become increasingly complicated with multiple donors, centers, crop and national priorities. In 2008, CGIAR donors and other stakeholders agreed to embark on a reform process to improve the engagement between stakeholders in international agricultural research for development – donors, researchers and beneficiaries – and to refocus CGIAR on the major global development challenges. The broad objectives were to integrate the work of the research centers, enhance collaboration with partners, ensure effective governance, and improve efficiency in providing and using resources. The reform process created a new governing structure centered around the CGIAR Consortium and launched 15 CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) in 2010. One of the key features of the CGIAR reform was the strengthened culture of partnership both within CGIAR and between CGIAR and external entities. By applying the scientometric technique on the co-authorship of scientific research papers, this study examined if there has been any notable trend shift before and after the reform. Assuming the partnership is reflected in the co-authorship of research output, we hypothesized that there would have been more journal articles co-authored with multiple partners, both within CGIAR and external partners, if the reform indeed strengthened the partnership as intended.</p><p><b>Data and Methodology |</b> A bibliography of 12,050 SCI-indexed journal articles authored by CGIAR scientists, published between January 2000 to November 2016, was retrieved from Web of Science. The bibliography was analyzed to find shifting patterns in the proportion of papers from each center co-authored with other CGIAR centers and external partners. Papers with ambiguous and non-center-specific authorship were excluded in this analysis. Additionally, trends of research topic keywords were also analyzed to examine if papers with specific topics are more frequently developed from partnerships. All underlying dataset is available to download from <a href='https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZV1JCQ'>IFPRI Dataverse</a>.</p><p><b>Acknowledgment |</b> This work was undertaken as part of the <a href=http://pim.cgiar.org>CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM)</a> led by the <a href=http://ifpri.org>International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)</a>. Funding support for this study was provided by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and PIM. Contents of this website has not gone through IFPRI’s standard peer-review procedure. The opinions expressed here belong to the authors, and do not necessarily reflect those of PIM, IFPRI, or CGIAR.</p><p><b>Credit |</b> This website was developed by <a href='http://grantmckenzie.com' target='_blank'>Grant McKenzie</a> and the <a href='http://ptal.io' target='_blank'>Place Time Analysis Lab</a>.</p>";