namespace idni::rewriter
provides functions and types useful for rewriting parsed trees.
template <typename symbol_t>
struct node;
Node of a rewriter tree. symbol_t
is a type of node's value.
Value stored in the node. symbol_t
is a template type of the node
Vector of shared pointers to node's children.
template <typename symbol_t>
using sp_node = std::shared_ptr<node<symbol_t>>;
is a shared pointer node templated with symbol_t
template<typename node_t>
using environment = std::map<node_t, node_t>;
An environment is a map from captures to tree nodes, it is used to keep track of the captures that have been unified and their corresponding tree nodes.
template<typename node_t>
using rule = std::pair<node_t, node_t>;
A rule is a pair of a pattern and a substitution. It is used to rewrite a tree.
template <typename symbol_t>
sp_node<symbol_t> make_node(const symbol_t& s,
const std::vector<sp_node<symbol_t>>& ns);
Node factory function. Creates a node with s
as a value and ns
as children.
Parser produced nodes contain not only a a literal value but they contain also an node's input position span. Rewriter uses drop_location
transformation to tranform parser produced node into symbol_t
by removing input position span information and if symbol_t
is std::variant
it transforms literal into literal variant.
template <typename parse_symbol_t, typename symbol_t>
auto drop_location = [](const parse_symbol_t& n)-> symbol_t { return n.first; };
template <typename parse_symbol_t, typename symbol_t>
using drop_location_t = decltype(drop_location<parse_symbol_t, symbol_t>);
Make a tree from the given input string:
template<typename parser_t, typename transformer_t, typename symbol_t>
sp_node<symbol_t> make_node_from_string(
const transformer_t& transformer,
const std::string source, idni::parser<>::parse_options options = {})
Make a tree from the given input stream:
template<typename parser_t, typename transformer_t, typename symbol_t>
sp_node<symbol_t> make_node_from_stream(const transformer_t& transformer,
std::istream& is, idni::parser<>::parse_options options = {})
Make a tree from the given input file:
template<typename parser_t, typename transformer_t, typename symbol_t>
sp_node<symbol_t> make_node_from_file(const transformer_t& transformer,
const std::string& filename, idni::parser<>::parse_options options = {})
Make a tree from the given parse result and log parse error if parse fails:
template<typename parser_t, typename transformer_t, typename symbol_t>
sp_node<symbol_t> make_node_from_parse_result(
const transformer_t& transformer, typename parser_t::result& r)
This function is used after parse is called on a given input in previous make_node_from_* functions.
Make a tree from the given tree extracted from a forest struct:
template<typename parser_t, typename transformer_t, typename symbol_t>
sp_node<symbol_t> make_node_from_tree(
const transformer_t& /*transformer*/, typename parser_t::sptree_type t)
Simple function objects with types to be used as default values for the traversers.
Takes all nodes. It is always true.
template <typename node_t>
static const auto all = [](const node_t&) { return true; };
template <typename node_t>
using all_t = decltype(all<node_t>);
Takes none because it's always false.
template <typename node_t>
static const auto none = [](const node_t&) { return false; };
template <typename node_t>
using none_t = decltype(none<node_t>);
Returns itself.
template <typename node_t>
static const auto identity = [](const node_t& n) { return n; };
template <typename node_t>
using identity_t = decltype(identity<node_t>);
template <typename wrapped_t, typename predicate_t, typename input_node_t,
typename output_node_t = input_node_t>
struct post_order_traverser {
post_order_traverser(wrapped_t& wrapped, predicate_t& query);
output_node_t operator()(const input_node_t& n);
Visitor that traverses the tree in post-order (avoiding visited nodes).
template <typename wrapped_t, typename predicate_t, typename input_node_t,
typename output_node_t = input_node_t>
struct post_order_query_traverser {
post_order_query_traverser(wrapped_t& wrapped, predicate_t& query);
output_node_t operator()(const input_node_t& n);
Visitor that traverses the tree in post-order (avoiding visited nodes) and uses a query to filter nodes.
template <typename wrapped_t, typename predicate_t, typename input_node_t,
typename output_node_t = input_node_t>
struct post_order_tree_traverser {
post_order_tree_traverser(wrapped_t& wrapped, predicate_t& query);
output_node_t operator()(const input_node_t& n);
Visitor that traverses the tree in post-order (repeating visited nodes if necessary).
template<typename node_t>
struct post_order_recursive_traverser {
auto operator() (const node_t n, auto& query, auto& wrapped);
template <typename wrapped_t, typename input_node_t,
typename output_node_t = input_node_t>
struct map_transformer {
map_transformer(wrapped_t& wrapped) : wrapped(wrapped) {}
output_node_t operator()(const input_node_t& n);
Visitor that produces nodes transformed accordingly to the given transformer. It only works with post order traversals.
template <typename wrapped_t, typename input_node_t,
typename output_node_t = input_node_t>
struct map_node_transformer {
map_node_transformer(wrapped_t& wrapped) : wrapped(wrapped) {}
output_node_t operator()(const input_node_t& n);
Visitor that produces nodes transformed accordingly to the given transformer. It only works with post order traversals.
template <typename wrapped_t, typename input_node_t,
typename output_node_t = input_node_t>
struct replace_node_transformer {
replace_node_transformer(wrapped_t& wrapped);
output_node_t operator()(const input_node_t& n);
Visitor that produces nodes transformed accordingly to the given transformer. It only works with post order traversals.
template <typename node_t>
struct replace_transformer {
replace_transformer(std::map<node_t, node_t>& changes);
node_t operator()(const node_t& n);
Visitor that produces nodes transformed accordingly to the given transformer. It only works with post order traversals.
template <typename predicate_t, typename node_t>
struct select_top_predicate {
select_top_predicate(predicate_t& query, std::vector<node_t>& selected);
bool operator()(const node_t& n);
Visitor that selects top nodes that satisfy a predicate and stores them in the supplied vector. It only works with post order traversals and never produces duplicates.
template <typename predicate_t, typename extractor_t, typename node_t>
struct select_subnodes_predicate {
select_subnodes_predicate(predicate_t& query, extractor_t extractor,
std::vector<node_t>& selected);
bool operator()(const node_t& n);
Visitor that selects nodes that satisfy a predicate and stores the subnodes extracted from them in the supplied vector. It only works with post order traversals and never produces duplicates.
template <typename predicate_t, typename node_t>
struct select_all_predicate {
select_all_predicate(predicate_t& query, std::vector<node_t>& selected);
bool operator()(const node_t& n);
Visitor that selects nodes that satisfy a predicate and stores them in the supplied vector.
template <typename predicate_t, typename node_t>
struct find_top_predicate {
find_top_predicate(predicate_t& query, std::optional<node_t>& found);
bool operator()(const node_t& n);
Visitor that selects nodes that satisfy a predicate and stores them in the supplied vector.
template<typename node_t>
struct true_predicate {
bool operator()(const node_t&) const { return true; }
template <typename node_t>
using true_predicate_t = true_predicate<node_t>;
Always true predicate
template<typename node_t>
struct false_predicate {
bool operator()(const node_t&) const { return false; }
template <typename node_t>
using false_predicate_t = false_predicate<node_t>;
Always false predicate
template <typename l_predicate_t, typename r_predicate_t>
struct and_predicate {
and_predicate(l_predicate_t& p1, r_predicate_t& p2);
template<typename node_t>
bool operator()(const node_t& n) const;
template <typename l_predicate_t, typename r_predicate_t>
using and_predicate_t = and_predicate<l_predicate_t, r_predicate_t>;
Conjunction of the wrapped predicates.
template <typename l_predicate_t, typename r_predicate_t>
struct or_predicate {
or_predicate(l_predicate_t& p1, r_predicate_t& p2);
template<typename node_t>
bool operator()(const node_t& n) const;
template <typename l_predicate_t, typename r_predicate_t>
using or_predicate_t = or_predicate<l_predicate_t, r_predicate_t>;
Disjuction of the wrapped predicates.
template <typename predicate_t>
struct neg_predicate {
neg_predicate(predicate_t& p);
template<typename node_t>
bool operator()(const node_t& n) const;
template <typename predicate_t>
using neg_predicate_t = neg_predicate<predicate_t>;
Negation of the wrapped predicate.
template <typename node_t>
struct while_not_found_predicate {
while_not_found_predicate(std::optional<node_t>& found);
bool operator()(const node_t& /*n*/) const;
True while found is not set (found), it aborts the traversal once found has been set.
template <typename predicate_t, typename node_t>
struct find_visitor {
find_visitor(predicate_t& query, std::optional<node_t>& found);
node_t operator()(const node_t& n);
To be used in conjunction with while_not_found_predicate. It sets found when the predicate is satisfied by a node (set in found).
find is used to find a first node that satisfy a predicate.
select is used to find all
template <typename predicate_t, typename node_t>
std::vector<node_t> select_top(const node_t& input, predicate_t& query);
Select all top nodes that satisfy a predicate and return them.
template <typename predicate_t, typename extractor_t, typename node_t>
std::vector<node_t> select_subnodes(const node_t& input, predicate_t& query,
extractor_t extractor);
Select all subnodes that satisfy a predicate according to the extractor and return them.
template <typename predicate_t, typename node_t>
std::vector<node_t> select_all(const node_t& input, predicate_t& query);
Select all top nodes that satisfy a predicate and return them.
template <typename predicate_t, typename node_t>
std::optional<node_t> find_top(const node_t& input, predicate_t& query);
Find the first node that satisfy a predicate and return it.
template <typename predicate_t, typename node_t>
std::optional<node_t> find_bottom(const node_t& input, predicate_t& query)
Find the first node that satisfy a predicate and return it.
template <typename predicate_t, typename symbol_t,
typename node_t = sp_node<symbol_t>>
node_t trim_top(const node_t& input, predicate_t& query);
Delete all top nodes that satisfy a predicate.
template <typename node_t>
node_t replace(const node_t& n, std::map<node_t, node_t>& changes);
Find the first node that satisfy a predicate and return it.
template <typename node_t, typename predicate_t>
node_t replace_if(const node_t& n, std::map<node_t, node_t>& changes, predicate_t& query);
Replace nodes in n according to changes while skipping subtrees specified by query
template <typename node_t, typename is_capture_t>
struct pattern_matcher {
using pattern_t = node_t;
pattern_matcher(const pattern_t& pattern, environment<node_t>& env,
const is_capture_t& is_capture);
bool operator()(const node_t& n);
This predicate matches when there exists a environment that makes the pattern match the node.
template <typename node_t, typename is_capture_t, typename predicate_t>
struct pattern_matcher_if {
using pattern_t = node_t;
pattern_matcher_if(const pattern_t& pattern,
environment<node_t>& env,
is_capture_t& is_capture, predicate_t& predicate);
bool operator()(const node_t& n);
This predicate matches when there exists a environment that makes the pattern match the node ignoring the nodes detected as skippable.
template <typename node_t, typename matcher_t>
node_t apply(const node_t& s, const node_t& n, matcher_t& matcher)
Apply a substitution to a rule according to a given matcher, this method is use internaly by apply and apply with skip.
template <typename node_t, typename is_capture_t, typename predicate_t>
node_t apply_if(const rule<node_t>& r, const node_t& n,
is_capture_t& c, predicate_t& predicate)
Apply a rule to a tree using the predicate to pattern_matcher and skipping unnecessary subtrees
template <typename node_t, typename is_capture_t>
node_t apply_rule(const rule<node_t>& r, const node_t& n, const is_capture_t& c)
Apply a rule to a tree using the predicate to pattern_matcher.