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Quantum Programming Foundations Course CT4106 |
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The Quantum Programming Foundations Course (CT4106) is offered from ICHEC aimed at providing exposure into quantum computing with minimal technical prerequisits. It is evolving, and we intend to add more modules with time to make it more comprehensive and inclusive of the skills and knowledge of the quantum computing ecosystem. Below are the list of modules currently offered. This page serves as the landing page for the lecture notes for each of the vidoe lectures in CT4106.
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lec1("**1. Demystifying Quantum Computing**")
::icon(fa fa-book)
lec2(**2. Integrating Classical and Quantum Computing**)
::icon(fa fa-book)
(Classical computing)
(Role and Position of Quantum computing in HPC)
lec3(**3. From Bits to Qubits**)
::icon(fa fa-book)
(Gentle intro into Quantum computing)
(Building blocks)
(States & Gates)
(Quantum concenpts)
lec4(**4. Realizing Quantum Computing Systems**)
::icon(fa fa-book)
(Quantum Circuits)
(Quantum workflow)
(Types of Quantum computing)
(Performance metrics)
lec5(**5. Accessing Quantum Computing Systems**)
::icon(fa fa-book)
lec6(**6. Landscape of Quantum SDK's and Tools**)
::icon(fa fa-book)
(High & Low levels in Quantum computing)
(Quantum Softwares)
(Specialised Quantum languages & Libraries)
lec7(**7. Landscape of Quantum algorithms**)
::icon(fa fa-book)
(Computational complexity)
(Quantum Algorithms)
(Examples and interface with machine learning)
- Lecture 1 - Demystifying Quantum Computing
- Lecture 2 - Integrating Classical and Quantum Computing
- Lecture 3 - From Bits to Qubits
- Lecture 4 - Mathematical Framework for Qubits
- Lecture 5 - Guest Lecture: Introduction to Quantum Information & Cryptography
- Lecture 6 - Realizing Quantum Computing Systems
- Lecture 7 - Guest Lecture: Building a Quantum Computer
- Lecture 8 - Accessing and Programming Quantum Computing Systems
- Lecture 9 - Guest Lecture: Cloud Quantum computing Service
- Lecture 10 - Quantum Algorithms - I
- Lecture 11 - Quantum Algorithms - II
- Lecture 12 - ICHEC's engagement in Quantum Computing
For course related queries, contact us or the instructors at following -
Name | |
Emil Dimitrov | [email protected] |
Karthik Krishnakumar | [email protected] |
Rajarshi Tiwari | [email protected] |
Venkatesh Kannan | [email protected] |