IBM Cloud Parameters
- Diagram
- name
- filename
- folder
- direction = "LR" (default, left to right) or "TB" (top to bottom)
- Grouping Shapes and Expanded Shapes
- label = primary label (SemiBold font)
- sublabel = secondary label (Regular font)
- direction = "LR" (default, left to right) or "TB" (top to bottom)
- fontname = "IBM Plex Sans" (default) or other Plex font
- fontsize = 14 (default)
- Collapsed Shapes
- label = primary label (SemiBold font)
- sublabel = secondary label (Regular font)
- fontname = "IBM Plex Sans" (default) or other Plex font
- fontsize = 14 (default)
- Connectors
- label = connector label
- startarrow = "" (no arrow), "arrow" (default), "circle", "diamond", "openarrow", "opencircle", "opendiamond"
- endarrow = "" (no arrow), "arrow" (default), "circle", "diamond", "openarrow", "opencircle", "opendiamond"
- fontname = "IBM Plex Sans" (default) or other Plex font
- fontsize = 14 (default)
IBM Cloud Types
- Connectors (
- Solid Edge
- Provate Solid Edge
- Public Solid Edge
- Dashed Edge
- Dotted Edge
- Double Edge
- Tunnel Edge
IBM Shapes (if available) Parameters
- Diagram
- name
- filename
- folder
- direction = "LR" (default, left to right) or "TB" (top to bottom)
- Grouping Shapes and Expanded Shapes
- label = primary label (SemiBold font)
- sublabel = secondary label (Regular font)
- direction = "LR" (default, left to right) or "TB" (top to bottom)
- linecolor = from IBM Color Palette
- fillcolor = from IBM Color Palette
- linewidth = 1 (default)
- icon = name of icon
- fontname = "IBM Plex Sans" (default) or other Plex font
- fontsize = 14 (default)
- Collapsed Shapes
- label = primary label (SemiBold font)
- sublabel = secondary label (Regular font)
- linecolor = from IBM Color Palette
- fillcolor = from IBM Color Palette
- icon = name of icon
- fontname = "IBM Plex Sans" (default) or other Plex font
- fontsize = 14 (default)
- Connectors
- label = connector label
- startarrow = "" (no arrow), "arrow" (default), "circle", "diamond", "openarrow", "opencircle", "opendiamond"
- endarrow = "" (no arrow), "arrow" (default), "circle", "diamond", "openarrow", "opencircle", "opendiamond"
- color = from IBM Color Palette
- width = 1 (default)
- fontname = "IBM Plex Sans" (default) or other Plex font
- fontsize = 14 (default)
IBM Shapes (if available) Types
- Connectors (
- Solid Edge
- Dashed Edge
- Long Dashed Edge
- Dotted Edge
- Double Edge
- Tunnel Edge
This application is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked by this application are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 and the Apache License, Version 2.