Another option for getting a Kubernetes cluster up and running is to install IBM Cloud Private.
Follow the directions at to either install a local instance of IBM Cloud Private via Vagrant or a remote instance at Softlayer. These instructions assume the former.
Log into the Vagrant VM
$ vagrant ssh
Start helm and add the repository
$ helm init
$ helm repo add gitlab
Install Gitlab
$ helm install --name gitlab --set,baseIP=,gitlab=ce,[email protected] gitlab/gitlab-omnibus
This will deploy a gitlab installation that includes:
A GitLab Omnibus Pod, including Mattermost, Container Registry, and Prometheus
An auto-scaling GitLab Runner using the Kubernetes executor
NGINX Ingress
Persistent Volume Claims for Data, Registry, Postgres, and Redis
To access the web UI, first navigate to the list of applications (nav menu -> workloads -> applications) and select the "default-http-backend" application that is under the nginx-ingress namespace by clicking on its name. Scroll down to the Expose Details section - listed under Endpoint is a link to "access 80" - click on it to interact with gitlab through its UI (once it has had a chance to spin up).
To uninstall the Gitlab Chart
$ helm delete gitlab