diff --git a/docs/bots/lily/commands.md b/docs/bots/lily/commands.md index 8c3f7f4..5027196 100644 --- a/docs/bots/lily/commands.md +++ b/docs/bots/lily/commands.md @@ -664,3 +664,669 @@ None None --- +--- +title: Commands List +permalink: /bots/lily/commands +--- +## Slash Commands + +#### Command name: `config support` +**Description**: Deprecated: Configure Lily's support system +Required Member Permissions: Manage Server + +* **Arguments**: + * `enable-support` - Whether to enable the support system - Boolean + * `custom-message` - True if you'd like to add a custom message, false if you'd like the default. - Boolean + * `support-channel` - The channel to be used for creating support threads in. - Optional Channel + * `support-role` - The role to add to support threads, when one is created. - Optional Role + +--- +#### Command name: `config moderation` +**Description**: Configure Lily's moderation system +Required Member Permissions: Manage Server + +* **Arguments**: + * `enable-moderation` - Whether to enable the moderation system - Boolean + * `moderator-role` - The role of your moderators, used for pinging in message logs. - Optional Role + * `action-log` - The channel used to store moderator actions. - Optional Channel + * `quick-timeout-length` - The length of timeouts to use for quick timeouts - Coalescing Optional Duration + * `warn-auto-punishments` - Whether to automatically punish users for reach a certain threshold on warns - Optional Boolean + * `log-publicly` - Whether to log moderation publicly or not. - Optional Boolean + +--- +#### Command name: `config logging` +**Description**: Configure Lily's logging system +Required Member Permissions: Manage Server + +* **Arguments**: + * `enable-delete-logs` - Enable logging of message deletions - Boolean + * `enable-edit-logs` - Enable logging of message edits - Boolean + * `enable-member-logging` - Enable logging of members joining and leaving the guild - Boolean + * `enable-public-member-logging` - Enable logging of members joining and leaving the guild with a public message and ping if enabled - Boolean + * `message-logs` - The channel for logging message deletions - Optional Channel + * `member-log` - The channel for logging members joining and leaving the guild - Optional Channel + * `public-member-log` - The channel for the public logging of members joining and leaving the guild - Optional Channel + +--- +#### Command name: `config utility` +**Description**: Configure Lily's utility settings +Required Member Permissions: Manage Server + +* **Arguments**: + * `disable-log-uploading` - Enable or disable log uploading for this guild - Boolean + * `utility-log` - The channel to log various utility actions too. - Optional Channel + +--- +#### Command name: `config clear` +**Description**: Clear a config type +Required Member Permissions: Manage Server + +* **Arguments**: + * `config-type` - The type of config to clear - String Choice + +--- +#### Command name: `config view` +**Description**: View the current config that you have set +Required Member Permissions: Manage Server + +* **Arguments**: + * `config-type` - The type of config to clear - String Choice + +--- +#### Command name: `github issue` +**Description**: Look up an issue on a specific repository + +* **Arguments**: + * `issue-number` - The issue number you would like to search for - Int + * `repository` - The GitHub repository you would like to search if no default is set - Optional String + +--- +#### Command name: `github repo` +**Description**: Search GitHub for a specific repository + +* **Arguments**: + * `repository` - The GitHub repository you would like to search if no default is set - Optional String + +--- +#### Command name: `github user` +**Description**: Search github for a User/Organisation + +* **Arguments**: + * `username` - The name of the User/Organisation you wish to search for - String + +--- +#### Command name: `github default-repo` +**Description**: Set the default repo to look up issues in. +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: + * `default-repo` - The default repo to look up issues in - String + +--- +#### Command name: `github remove-default-repo` +**Description**: Removes the default repo for this guild +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `gallery-channel set` +**Description**: Set a channel as a gallery channel +Required Member Permissions: Manage Server + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `gallery-channel unset` +**Description**: Unset a channel as a gallery channel. +Required Member Permissions: Manage Server + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `gallery-channel list` +**Description**: List all gallery channels in the guild + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +### Command name: `help` +Description: Get help with using Lily! + +* Arguments: +None +--- +### Command name: `info` +Description: Learn about Lily, and get uptime data! + +* Arguments: +None +--- +### Command name: `invite` +Description: Get an invite link for Lily! + +* Arguments: +None +--- +### Command name: `announcement` +Description: Send an announcement to all guilds Lily is in +**Required Member Permissions**: Administrator + +* Arguments: +None +--- +#### Command name: `lock channel` +**Description**: Lock a channel so those with default permissions cannot send messages +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: + * `channel` - Channel to lock. Defaults to current channel - Optional Channel + * `reason` - Reason for locking the channel - Defaulting String + +--- +#### Command name: `lock server` +**Description**: Lock the server so those with default permissions cannot send messages +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: + * `reason` - Reason for locking the server - Defaulting String + +--- +#### Command name: `unlock channel` +**Description**: Unlock a channel so everyone can send messages again +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: + * `channel` - Channel to unlock. Defaults to current channel - Optional Channel + +--- +#### Command name: `unlock server` +**Description**: Unlock the server so everyone can send messages again +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `log-uploading blacklist-add` +**Description**: Add a channel to the log uploading blacklist +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `log-uploading blacklist-remove` +**Description**: Remove a channel from the log uploading blacklist +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `log-uploading blacklist-list` +**Description**: List all channels that block log uploading +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +### Command name: `ban` +Description: Bans a user. +**Required Member Permissions**: Ban Members + +* Arguments: + * `user` - Person to ban - User + * `delete-message-days` - The number of days worth of messages to delete - Int + * `reason` - The reason for the ban - Defaulting String + * `dm` - Whether to send a direct message to the user about the warn - Defaulting Boolean + * `image` - An image you'd like to provide as extra context for the action - Optional Attachment + +--- +### Command name: `soft-ban` +Description: Soft-bans a user. +**Required Member Permissions**: Ban Members + +* Arguments: + * `user` - Person to Soft ban - User + * `delete-message-days` - The number of days worth of messages to delete - Optional Int/Long + * `reason` - The reason for the ban - Defaulting String + * `dm` - Whether to send a direct message to the user about the warn - Defaulting Boolean + * `image` - An image you'd like to provide as extra context for the action - Optional Attachment + +--- +### Command name: `unban` +Description: Unbans a user. +**Required Member Permissions**: Ban Members + +* Arguments: + * `user` - Person to un-ban - User + * `reason` - The reason for the un-ban - Defaulting String + +--- +### Command name: `kick` +Description: Kicks a user. +**Required Member Permissions**: Kick Members + +* Arguments: + * `user` - Person to kick - User + * `reason` - The reason for the Kick - Defaulting String + * `dm` - Whether to send a direct message to the user about the warn - Defaulting Boolean + * `image` - An image you'd like to provide as extra context for the action - Optional Attachment + +--- +### Command name: `clear` +Description: Clears messages from a channel. +**Required Member Permissions**: Manage Messages + +* Arguments: + * `messages` - Number of messages to delete - Int + +--- +### Command name: `timeout` +Description: Times out a user. +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `user` - Person to timeout - User + * `duration` - Duration of timeout - Coalescing Optional Duration + * `reason` - Reason for timeout - Defaulting String + * `dm` - Whether to send a direct message to the user about the warn - Defaulting Boolean + * `image` - An image you'd like to provide as extra context for the action - Optional Attachment + +--- +### Command name: `remove-timeout` +Description: Removes a timeout from a user +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `user` - Person to remove timeout from - User + * `dm` - Whether to dm the user about this or not - Defaulting Boolean + +--- +### Command name: `warn` +Description: Warns a user. +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `user` - Person to warn - User + * `reason` - Reason for warn - Defaulting String + * `dm` - Whether to send a direct message to the user about the warn - Defaulting Boolean + * `image` - An image you'd like to provide as extra context for the action - Optional Attachment + +--- +### Command name: `remove-warn` +Description: Removes a user's warnings +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `user` - Person to remove warn from - User + * `dm` - Whether to send a direct message to the user about the warn - Defaulting Boolean + +--- +### Command name: `say` +Description: Say something through Lily. +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `message` - The text of the message to be sent. - String + * `channel` - The channel the message should be sent in. - Optional Channel + * `embed` - If the message should be sent as an embed. - Defaulting Boolean + * `timestamp` - If the message should be sent with a timestamp. Only works with embeds. - Defaulting Boolean + * `color` - The color of the embed. Can be either a hex code or one of Discord's supported colors. Embeds only - Defaulting Color + +--- +### Command name: `edit-say` +Description: Edit a message created by /say +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `message-to-edit` - The ID of the message you'd like to edit - Snowflake + * `new-content` - The new content of the message - Optional String + * `new-color` - The new color of the embed. Embeds only - Optional Color + * `channel-of-message` - The channel of the message - Optional Channel + * `timestamp` - Whether to timestamp the embed or not. Embeds only - Optional Boolean + +--- +#### Command name: `status set` +**Description**: Set a custom status for Lily. +Required Member Permissions: Administrator + +* **Arguments**: + * `presence` - The new value Lily's presence should be set to - String + +--- +#### Command name: `status reset` +**Description**: Reset Lily's presence to the default status. +Required Member Permissions: Administrator + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +### Command name: `reset` +Description: 'Resets' Lily for this guild by deleting all database information relating to this guild +**Required Member Permissions**: Administrator + +* Arguments: +None +--- +### Command name: `ping` +Description: Am I alive? + +* Arguments: +None +--- +#### Command name: `nickname request` +**Description**: Request a new nickname for the server! + +* **Arguments**: + * `nickname` - The new nickname you would like - String + +--- +#### Command name: `nickname clear` +**Description**: Clear your current nickname + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `reminder set` +**Description**: Set a reminder for some time in the future! + +* **Arguments**: + * `time` - How long until reminding? Format: 1d12h30m / 3d / 26m30s - Coalescing Duration + * `remind-in-dm` - Whether to remind in DMs or not - Boolean + * `custom-message` - A message to attach to your reminder - Optional String + * `repeat` - Whether to repeat the reminder or not - Defaulting Boolean + * `repeat-interval` - The interval to repeat the reminder at. Format: 1d / 1h / 5d - Coalescing Optional Duration + +--- +#### Command name: `reminder list` +**Description**: List your reminders for this guild + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `reminder remove` +**Description**: Remove a reminder you have set from this guild + +* **Arguments**: + * `reminder-number` - The number of the reminder to remove. Use '/reminder list' to get this - Long + +--- +#### Command name: `reminder remove-all` +**Description**: Remove all a specific type of reminder from this guild + +* **Arguments**: + * `reminder-type` - The type of reminder to remove - String Choice + +--- +#### Command name: `reminder mod-list` +**Description**: List all reminders for a user, if you're a moderator +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: + * `user` - The user to view reminders for - User + +--- +#### Command name: `reminder mod-remove` +**Description**: Remove a reminder for a user, if you're a moderator +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: + * `user` - The user to remove the reminder for - User + * `reminder-number` - The number of the reminder to remove. Use '/reminder mod-list' to get this - Long + +--- +#### Command name: `reminder mod-remove-all` +**Description**: Remove all a specific type of reminder for a user, if you're a moderator +Required Member Permissions: Moderate Members + +* **Arguments**: + * `user` - The user to remove the reminders for - User + * `reminder-type` - The type of reminder to remove - String Choice + +--- +### Command name: `manual-report` +Description: Report a message, using a link instead of the message command + +* Arguments: + * `message-link` - Link to the message to report - String + +--- +#### Command name: `role-menu create` +**Description**: Create a new role menu in this channel. A channel can have any number of role menus. +Required Member Permissions: Manage Roles + +* **Arguments**: + * `role` - The first role to start the menu with. Add more via `/role-menu add` - Role + * `content` - The content of the embed or message. - String + * `embed` - If the message containing the role menu should be sent as an embed. - Defaulting Boolean + * `color` - The color for the message to be. Embed only. - Defaulting Color + +--- +#### Command name: `role-menu add` +**Description**: Add a role to the existing role menu in this channel. +Required Member Permissions: Manage Roles + +* **Arguments**: + * `menu-id` - The message ID of the role menu you'd like to edit. - Snowflake + * `role` - The role you'd like to add to the selected role menu. - Role + +--- +#### Command name: `role-menu remove` +**Description**: Remove a role from the existing role menu in this channel. +Required Member Permissions: Manage Messages + +* **Arguments**: + * `menu-id` - The message ID of the menu you'd like to edit. - Snowflake + * `role` - The role you'd like to remove from the selected role menu. - Role + +--- +#### Command name: `role-menu pronouns` +**Description**: Create a pronoun selection role menu and the roles to go with it. +Required Member Permissions: Manage Messages + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +### Command name: `tag-preview` +Description: Preview a tag's contents without sending it publicly. + +* Arguments: + * `name` - The name of the tag - String + +--- +### Command name: `tag` +Description: Call a tag from this guild! Use /tag-help for more info. + +* Arguments: + * `name` - The name of the tag you want to call - String + * `user` - The user to mention with the tag (optional) - Optional User + +--- +### Command name: `tag-help` +Description: Explains how the tag command works! + +* Arguments: +None +--- +### Command name: `tag-create` +Description: Create a tag for your guild! Use /tag-help for more info. +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `name` - The name of the tag you're making - String + * `title` - The title of the tag embed you're making - String + * `value` - The content of the tag embed you're making - String + * `appearance` - The appearance of the tag embed you're making - String Choice + +--- +### Command name: `tag-delete` +Description: Delete a tag from your guild. Use /tag-help for more info. +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `name` - The name of the tag - String + +--- +### Command name: `tag-edit` +Description: Edit a tag in your guild. Use /tag-help for more info. +**Required Member Permissions**: Moderate Members + +* Arguments: + * `name` - The name of the tag you're editing - String + * `new-name` - The new name for the tag you're editing - Optional String + * `new-title` - The new title for the tag you're editing - Optional String + * `new-value` - The new value for the tag you're editing - Optional String + * `new-appearance` - The new appearance for the tag you're editing - Optional String + +--- +### Command name: `tag-list` +Description: List all tags for this guild + +* Arguments: +None +--- +#### Command name: `thread rename` +**Description**: Rename a thread! + +* **Arguments**: + * `new-name` - The new name to give to the thread - String + +--- +#### Command name: `thread archive` +**Description**: Archive this thread + +* **Arguments**: + * `lock` - Whether to lock the thread if you are a moderator. Default is false - Defaulting Boolean + +--- +#### Command name: `thread transfer` +**Description**: Transfer ownership of this thread + +* **Arguments**: + * `new-owner` - The user you want to transfer ownership of the thread to - Member + +--- +#### Command name: `thread prevent-archiving` +**Description**: Stop a thread from being archived + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `auto-threading enable` +**Description**: Automatically create a thread for each message sent in this channel. + +* **Arguments**: + * `role` - The role, if any, to invite to threads created in this channel. - Optional Role + * `add-mods-and-role` - Whether to add moderators to the thread alongside the role - Defaulting Boolean + * `prevent-duplicates` - If users should be stopped from having multiple open threads in this channel. Default false. - Defaulting Boolean + * `archive` - If threads should be archived on creation to avoid filling the sidebar. Default false. - Defaulting Boolean + * `content-aware-naming` - If Lily should use content-aware thread titles. Default false - Defaulting Boolean + * `mention` - If the creator should be mentioned in new threads in this channel. Default false. - Defaulting Boolean + * `message` - Whether to send a custom message on thread creation or not. Default false. - Defaulting Boolean + +--- +#### Command name: `auto-threading disable` +**Description**: Stop automatically creating threads in this channel. + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `auto-threading list` +**Description**: List all the auto-threaded channels in this server, if any. + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +### Command name: `blocks` +Description: Get a list of the configured blocks + +* Arguments: + * `channel` - Channel representing a welcome channel - Channel + +--- +#### Command name: `welcome-channels delete` +**Description**: Delete a welcome channel configuration + +* **Arguments**: + * `channel` - Channel representing a welcome channel - Channel + +--- +#### Command name: `welcome-channels get` +**Description**: Get the url for a welcome channel, if it's configured + +* **Arguments**: + * `channel` - Channel representing a welcome channel - Channel + +--- +#### Command name: `welcome-channels refresh` +**Description**: Manually repopulate the given welcome channel + +* **Arguments**: + * `channel` - Channel representing a welcome channel - Channel + * `clear` - Whether to clear the channel before repopulating it - Defaulting Boolean + +--- +#### Command name: `welcome-channels set` +**Description**: Set the URL for a welcome channel, and populate it + +* **Arguments**: + * `channel` - Channel representing a welcome channel - Channel + * `url` - Public link to a YAML file used to configure a welcome channel - String + * `clear` - Whether to clear the channel before repopulating it - Defaulting Boolean + +--- +### Command name: `phishing-check` +Description: Check whether a given domain is a known phishing domain. + +* Arguments: + * `domain` - Domain to check - String + +--- +#### Command name: `pluralkit api-url` +**Description**: Set a custom API URL, "reset" to reset + +* **Arguments**: + * `api-url` - Set an alternative API url, or "reset" to use the default - Optional String + +--- +#### Command name: `pluralkit bot` +**Description**: Pick your custom PluralKit instance, if you have one + +* **Arguments**: + * `bot` - Select an alternative PK instance, if needed - Optional User + +--- +#### Command name: `pluralkit status` +**Description**: Check the settings for this server's PluralKit integration + +* **Arguments**: +None +--- +#### Command name: `pluralkit toggle` +**Description**: Disable or enable the PluralKit integration as required + +* **Arguments**: + * `enable` - Set whether the PK integration should be used on this server - Optional Boolean + +--- +### Command name: `command-list` +Description: Shows a list of HyacinthDev1's commands! + +* Arguments: +None +--- +## Message Commands + +### Message Command: `Moderate` +**Required Member Permissions**: Kick Members, Ban Members, Moderate Members + +--- +### Message Command: `Report` + +--- +### Message Command: `Phishing Check` + +--- +## User Commands + +None +---