#.logPurchase(amount, currency, parameters)
Logs real-money in-app purchases through App Events, which is the most common use of event logging. More details at App Events.
plugin.FacebookAgent.prototype.logPurchase = function(amount, currency, parameters){}
Name | Type | Required | Description |
amount | float | Yes | The amount of currency the user spent |
currency | string | No | ISO-4217 3-letter code for currency used (e.g. "USD", "EUR", "GBP") |
parameters | Dictionary | No | Any parameters needed to describe the event |
var facebook = plugin.FacebookAgent.getInstance();
var floatVal = 9.99;
var parameters = {};
parameters[plugin.FacebookAgent.AppEventParam.SUCCESS] = 1;
facebook.logPurchase(floatVal, "USD", parameters);