Baragon 0.8.0
Changes in 0.8.0
View all pull requests in detail in the 0.8.0
- #298/#299/#302 - Add validation for host:port already in use
- #296 - Add resolve cache for Baragon agent
- #290 - Add endpoint to look up services by host and port
- #288 - Log full BaragonService checkin response
- #281 - Add endpoints for an upstream only update
- #303 - Upgrade to newer basepom
- #280/#284 - Add ability to handle aliases for groups/domains/edgeCacheDomains
- #279 - More efficient bootstrapping in BaragonAgent
- #270/#272/#274/#275/#277/#278/#283 - Improved upstream weighting calculations
- #268 - Log errors from Cloudflare cache purge responses
- #264/#265/#282/#285/#287/#286 - Add ability to register with ELB by private ip address
- #262/#263 - Add a toLowercase helper for handlebars
Bug Fixes
- #258 -
- #291 - Add default domains into all service definitions
- #289 - Add Jdk8Module to BaragonClient for java Optional compatibility
- #267 - Purge all when multiple zone ids match
- #261 - Catch UnknownHostException in ResolveHostnameHelper
- #260 - Kill the config check process async on timeout
- #258 - Workaround for
- @sjeropkipruto
- @baconmania
- @pschoenfelder
- @jhaber
- @stevegutz