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EngineerX AWS Deployment

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Introduction to EngineerX project

EngineerX is an open source web application designed for engineers and specialists. It lets them share their ideas, create tutorials, represent themselves, employ other specialists and ...

Currently, The project is at it's first steps and includes a simple but awesome Content Management System (CMS) that lets content providers to create and manage blog posts.

Key features of the project:

  • It's cloud native and can easily get deployed on popular cloud providers like (AWS, Azure and ...)
  • It benefits from microservices architectural best practices. It uses technologies like docker and kubernetes to provide a horizontally scalable infrastructure with high availability.
  • It includes a wide range of popular development frameworks and libraries like: django, reactjs, nextjs, wagtail and ...
  • It benefits from TDD best practices and uses unittest, jest, react-testing-library and cypress for different kinds of tests.
  • It uses Jenkins declarative pipeline syntax to implement CI/CD pipelines. (Pipeline as code)
  • Developers are able to write different kinds of tests and run them in a parallelized and non-blocking manner. In other words, testing environment is also elastic and scalable.
  • It uses Terraform to provision the required cloud infrastructure so it's really easy to deploy the whole project and destroy it whenever it's not needed any more. (Infrastructure as code)
  • It's built on top of wagtail. Wagtail enables django developers to have a professional headless CMS which can be customized for many types of businesses.


To deploy this project on AWS, the only thing you need to have installed is Docker.

Create AWS Infrastructure

First of all, you will need an AWS account with the IAM permissions listed on the EKS module documentation.

Then you have to create Access Keys (access key ID and secret access key) for that account. With these access keys, you can programmatically connect to aws and manage your infrastructure.

Now we are going to connect to AWS using EngineerX's aws-cli. run the aws-cli:

 docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash hsndocker/aws-cli:latest

Then run these commands in aws-cli container:

1. SET Required Environment variables


2. Authenticate with your access keys

 aws configure set aws_access_key_id $ACCESS_KEY_ID
 aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $SECRET_KEY
 aws configure set default.region $REGION

3. Clone required repositories

 git clone
 git clone
 git clone
 git clone


Postgres will create the database with this password. Make sure to provide a valid postgres password, otherwise it will not create the database.


6. Create Infrastructure (EKS, RDS, EFS)

 cd engineerx-aws-infrastructure/
 terraform init
 terraform apply --var postgres_password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD --auto-approve --var region=$REGION --var cluster_name=$CLUSTER_NAME

7. Update Kubeconfig

To be able to connect to our eks cluster, update kubeconfig:

 aws eks --region $REGION update-kubeconfig --name $CLUSTER_NAME

8. Install Cluster Autoscaler

We need our eks cluster to be elastic. It has to be able to automatically add/remove worker nodes.

We can install this helm chart:

AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(terraform output --raw account_id)
sed -i "s/AWS_ACCOUNT_ID/$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID/g" cluster-autoscaler-chart-values.yaml
helm repo add autoscaler
helm repo update
helm install cluster-autoscaler --namespace kube-system autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler --values=cluster-autoscaler-chart-values.yaml

9. Install aws-efs-csi-driver

To be able to mount EFS storage on containers running on kubernetes pods, we need to install the EFS's container storage interface:

helm repo add aws-efs-csi-driver
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install aws-efs-csi-driver --namespace kube-system aws-efs-csi-driver/aws-efs-csi-driver

10. Provision Persistent Volume

First of all, store EFS ids that has been created during step #6:

MEDIA_EFS_ID=$(terraform output -raw media_efs_id)
STATIC_EFS_ID=$(terraform output -raw static_efs_id)

Now Provision persistent volume:

cd ../engineerx-efs-pv
terraform init
terraform apply --var static_efs_id=$STATIC_EFS_ID --var media_efs_id=$MEDIA_EFS_ID --auto-approve

11. Create Persistent Volume Claim

cd ../engineerx-efs-pvc
terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve

Deploy EngineerX project

After creating required infrastructure, we are ready to deploy our application:

cd ../engineerx-aws-deployment/

1. Install metrics server

We want to enable our Horizontal Pod Autoscalers automatically set the number of replicas for each of deployments. HPAs use these metrics to make decisions about removing/creatin a new pod.

kubectl apply -f

2. Set docker credentials


3. Deploy the project

Now it's time to deploy our project:

terraform init
terraform apply --var region=$REGION --var dockerhub_username=$DOCKERHUB_CRED_USR --var dockerhub_password=$DOCKERHUB_CRED_PSW --var postgres_password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD --auto-approve

4. Initialize database

Now the project is up and running. To see the running pods, run this command:

kubectl get pod

You should see some output like this:

NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
backend-xxxxxxxxxx-yyyyy           1/1     Running   0          4m50s
backend-ingress-6bbbb467c6-jth5g   1/1     Running   0          4m50s
frontend-7cfffdfbfd-hpxrn          1/1     Running   1          4m50s
ingress-59f5996797-pdwz2           1/1     Running   0          4m50s

To initialize the database with some fake data, execute this command in the backend container:

kubectl exec backend-xxxxxxxxxx-yyyyy -- python initdb

You can also create a super user:

kubectl exec -it backend-xxxxxxxxxx-yyyyy -- python createsuperuser

5. Visit the WebSite

To visit our deployed website, first run this command to see existing kubernetes services:

kubectl get service

You should see some output like this:

NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                              PORT(S)        AGE
backend          ClusterIP   <none>                                                                   80/TCP         31m
backendingress   ClusterIP    <none>                                                                   80/TCP         31m
frontend         ClusterIP    <none>                                                                   80/TCP         31m
ingress          LoadBalancer     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyyy.<REGION>   80:31309/TCP   71m
kubernetes       ClusterIP       <none> 

The ingress's external-ip is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyyy.<REGION> So our website is accessible on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyyy.<REGION> and our administration pages are accessible on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyyy.<REGION>


In order to destroy everything, first change directory to /aws/engineerx-aws-deployment then destroy the deployment:

cd ../engineerx-aws-deployment
terraform destroy --var region=$REGION --var dockerhub_username=$DOCKERHUB_CRED_USR --var dockerhub_password=$DOCKERHUB_CRED_PSW --var postgres_password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD --auto-approve

Now delete metrics server:

kubectl delete -f

Delete persistent volume claims:

cd ../engineerx-efs-pvc
terraform destroy --auto-approve

Delete persistent volumes:

cd ../engineerx-efs-pv
terraform destroy --var static_efs_id=$STATIC_EFS_ID --var media_efs_id=$MEDIA_EFS_ID --auto-approve

Destroy AWS Infrastructure:

cd ../engineerx-aws-infrastructure
terraform refresh --var postgres_password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD --var region=$REGION --var cluster_name=$CLUSTER_NAME
terraform destroy --auto-approve --var postgres_password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD --var region=$REGION --var cluster_name=$CLUSTER_NAME

EngineerX code repositories

EngineerX consists of several code bases: