RS School eCommerce project - is a team task in which the team needs to develop an eCommerce application.
Deploy - (till January 27 2024)
It's a web application that allows users to browse, select, add to basket and buy various digital appliances. The main goal of the project is to learn how to use frontend technologies and provide a convenient platform for buying products.
- Register and login systems
- User-friendly interface for browsing and selecting products
- Filter product by characteristics and categories
- Cart and promocodes
- Detailed page of every product
- Frontend:
- HTML/CSS/TypeScript
- React - for user interface creation
- Axios - for HTTP request to the server
- Backend:
- commercetools
- Additional instruments and technologies:
- Vite - project builder
- SASS - CSS framework with additional features
- Prettier - automatic code formatting to a single style
- ESLint - detecting errors and enforcing a consistent code style
- Jest - code testing
- Husky - running certain scripts before commits/pushes
- Git - for version control and project repository management
- GitHub - for hosting the repository
- VS Code - code editor
- ESLint - npm run lint to check the code, npm run lint:fix will automatically fix possible errors after the check
- Prettier - npm run format for automatic formatting of the entire codebase
- Jest - npm run test to run tests, npm run test:watch runs tests in watch mode, allowing interaction with Jest and restarting tests on code changes
- Husky - npm run prepare to initialize Husky
Clone the project repository to your computer: git clone
Install project dependencies with the command: npm install
To run the application, execute the command: npm run dev
Perform steps 1 and 2 from Project Installation and Launch
Build the project with the command: npm run build
Use npm run preview to launch the project