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We use it to manage products images from the products dataset. Anyone cloning this repo must install Git LFS first, then clone the repo.

We use OpenAI model to generate embedding and as LLM.

Fashion AI Assistant Chat App

This is an AI-powered Fashion Assistant chat app that allows users to ask questions about shop policies or request product recommendations. The assistant leverages previous fashion-related Q&A data and intelligently suggests fashion products based on user queries.

The app operates in three main stages:

  1. User Query: The user submits a question related to fashion products or shop policies.

  2. Contextual Response Generation: The AI processes the question and retrieves relevant information from past Q&A data, providing a contextual answer to the user.

  3. Fashion Item Recommendations: If the user's query relates to fashion products, the assistant analyzes the response and suggests relevant fashion items. These recommendations are drawn from a separate product dataset that is matched to the query context.

To illustrate this archicture, please refer the flow diagram.

By combining a large Q&A dataset with a general fashion product dataset, the assistant provides informative answers and personalized product suggestions. For more details on the data structure, refer to the subsequent sections.

Quick Start Steps

First time set up

  1. Set up environment variable for OpenAI API key
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
  1. bring up PostgreSQL docker container
docker compose up -d
  1. Run the Database Setup Script

To set up the database for the first time (creating the fashion_data database, installing the pgvector extension, and restoring the dump file), run the following command:

docker compose exec db /bin/bash /init-scripts/
  1. Create python virtual environment and install dependencies
# create python virtual env
python3 -m venv env

# activate the env
source env/bin/activate

# install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. start python backend server, and access it at: http://localhost:5000/

Subsequent run

docker compose up -d

source env/bin/activate


Detailed Description


We use these 2 datasets for the app:

  1. Fashion Shop's Q&A

This contains a fashion shop Q&A.

  1. Fashion Products Dataset

This contains fashion products details with images.

In the following sections, for SQL scripts, we use \i to run the scripts in the PostgreSQL database. These scripts are executed within the db container.

To connect to the PostgreSQL database, use the following command:

docker compose exec db bash -c "psql -U postgres fashion_data"

We have performed these steps to set up the datasets in PostgreSQL database (DB):

Create database and enable pgvector extension.

We use the pgvector extension in PostgreSQL to store embedding vectors and perform efficient similarity searches.

\i /init-scripts/setup_database.sql

Set up Fashion Shop Q&A dataset

The dataset is stored in fashion_qa table, which contains questions and answers related to fashion. We add a new column qa to store the concatenated question and answer. We then create a new column qa_embedding to store the embeddings of the qa column. We also remove redundant rows with the same question and answer.

\i /init-scripts/load_fashion_qa.sql

Set up Products dataset

  1. CSV data

For some rows, the productDisplayName field contains ,, which causes error while trying to ingest the csv into DB. We run this script to detect the occurence, then manually fix the data by replacing , with -.

We have also manually fixed the data where there is mismatch between productDisplayName and other fields, eg: subCategory, acticleType, etc.


The dataset is stored in products table. We add a new column description to the products table, and populate it with the concatenation of base_colour, article_type, usage, and season columns.

We then create a new table product_descriptions to store unique descriptions and their embeddings. We then populate the product_descriptions table with unique descriptions from the products table and create a foreign key in the products table to link the description_id to the product_descriptions table.

\i /init-scripts/load_products.sql

Generate embeddings for the product descriptions.

  1. Images

The dataset contains all images for the products. We placed these images in static/images dir, so the python backend is able to serve these images to the frontend.

Set up PostgreSQL dump file

We run this command to create a dump file for the fashion_data database. This dump file is used to restore the database when setting up the app for the first time.

docker compose exec db bash -c "pg_dump -U postgres -Fc fashion_data > /init-scripts/fashion_data.dump"

Managing Image Files with Git LFS

We use Git LFS to manage product image files in this repository.

Initial Setup

  • Install Git LFS:
# for macOS
brew install git-lfs

# for Ubuntu
sudo apt install git-lfs
  • Set up Git LFS to track image files:
# Initialize Git LFS
git lfs install

# Track image files
git lfs track "*.jpg" "*.png" "*.gif"

# Add and commit
git add .gitattributes
git add .
git commit -m "Add images and track with Git LFS"
git push origin main