Go to the docker
directory and build the base image:
cd docker
./dockerctl.sh -b cuda-jupyter-xtime:latest Dockerfile.base 8888
Then, build the xtime
./dockerctl.sh -b xtime:latest Dockerfile 8888
Finally, get the JupyterLab login token with:
./dockerctl.sh -r xtime:latest xtime-container "$(pwd)/.." 8888
After that you can open any of the notebooks at the notebooks
directory from the Jupyter Lab interface.
An MLflow server should be setup, using:
- SQlite backend store:
. - Filesystem artifact store:
# Run in a separate screen session
screen -S mlflow_server
# Go to the root directory and activate python virtual environment with mlflow package
cd /opt/mlflow/
source ./.mlflow/bin/activate
# Export several environment variables
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
# Run MLflow server on port 10000 and bind it to all network interfaces so that it's available from remote machines
mlflow server --backend-store-uri sqlite:////opt/mlflow/mlruns.db --default-artifact-root=file:///opt/mlflow/mlruns --host= --port=10000
# Run in a separate screen session
screen -S mlflow_ui
# Go to the root directory and activate python virtual environment with mlflow package
cd /opt/mlflow/
source ./.mlflow/bin/activate
# Export several environment variables
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
# Run MLflow WebUI on port 10001 and bind it to all network interfaces so that it's available from remote machines
mlflow ui --backend-store-uri sqlite:////opt/mlflow/mlruns.db --default-artifact-root=file:///opt/mlflow/mlruns --host= --port=10001
Experiment metadata will be available via MLflow API. But in order to access artifacts, the MLflow artifact store must
be mounted on each development machine under the same exact path. This is what worked on xtime-1
and xtime-3
sudo sshfs ${USER}@xtime-2:/opt/mlflow/datasets /opt/mlflow/datasets -o allow_other -o ro -o IdentityFile=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo sshfs ${USER}@xtime-2:/opt/mlflow/mlruns /opt/mlflow/mlruns -o allow_other -o ro -o IdentityFile=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa