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File metadata and controls

151 lines (103 loc) · 4.83 KB

Mithril POC

Currently, it deploys to local kind cluster the istio bookinfo example. The four workloads from the example (details, productpage, ratings, and reviews) are deployed in the default namespace.

Minimal configuration

  • 4 CPUs
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 20 GB (for POC only)


  • docker

Install kubectl client

Install the kubernetes client for your operating system

Install istioctl:

curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.10.1 sh -

Should work with istio 1.9.1 and 1.10.1.

Install Kind

Follow kind install instructions

Install AWS CLI and configure it

Follow aws cli install and configure instructions

Create the cluster and the local docker registry


Running the POC locally

In order to run the POC locally,

TAG=stable_20211022 \ \

Wait for all pods are to reach Running state:

kubectl get pods -A

Expected output:

NAMESPACE            NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default              details-v1-c658fff7-cvj8d                    2/2     Running   0          6m19s
default              productpage-v1-5f85c6d9d8-mb6jm              2/2     Running   0          6m18s
default              ratings-v1-66db75fdb9-jv4ln                  2/2     Running   0          6m19s
default              reviews-v1-dbcbb4f7c-jzkh5                   2/2     Running   0          6m19s
default              reviews-v2-64854577cd-cw7zw                  2/2     Running   0          6m18s
default              reviews-v3-bd5fcc875-8b722                   2/2     Running   0          6m18s
istio-system         istio-ingressgateway-849d55784b-fwz7m        1/1     Running   0          6m36s
istio-system         istiod-5c79c669f9-7qx5m                      1/1     Running   0          6m49s
kube-system          coredns-74ff55c5b-pl5wd                      1/1     Running   0          19m
kube-system          coredns-74ff55c5b-zq798                      1/1     Running   0          19m
kube-system          etcd-kind-control-plane                      1/1     Running   0          19m
kube-system          kindnet-cxrzk                                1/1     Running   0          19m
kube-system          kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane            1/1     Running   0          19m
kube-system          kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane   1/1     Running   0          19m
kube-system          kube-proxy-xzjgd                             1/1     Running   0          19m
kube-system          kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane            1/1     Running   0          19m
local-path-storage   local-path-provisioner-78776bfc44-4dp4x      1/1     Running   0          19m
spire                spire-agent-w9jfd                            1/1     Running   0          6m21s
spire                spire-server-0                               2/2     Running   0          6m24s

SPIRE Entries

The SPIRE entries can be checked using the following command:

kubectl exec -i -t pod/spire-server-0 -n spire -c spire-server -- /bin/sh -c "bin/spire-server entry show -socketPath /run/spire/sockets/server.sock"

Test example

Inside the cluster:

kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod  -l app=ratings -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" -c ratings  -- curl -sS productpage:9080/productpage

The output is an HTML page that should not have any error sections.

Outside the cluster:

Forward host port 8000 to port 8080 (ingressgateway pod port) inside the cluster:


Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8000 -> 8080

Make a request from the host:

curl localhost:8000/productpage

Or open in the browser localhost:8000/productpage.

The output is an HTML page that should not have any error sections.

Ingress mTLS and Federation

Forward host port 7000 to port 7080 (ingressgateway-mtls pod port) inside the cluster:

> ./

Forwarding from -> 7080
Forwarding from [::1]:7000 -> 7080

Generate certs

Mint SVID in the trust domain domain.test:

> kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n spire2 spire-server-0  -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server x509 mint -spiffeID spiffe://domain.test/myservice -socketPath /run/spire/sockets/server.sock

Copy the X509-SVID section of the output to a file svid.pem. Copy the Private key section of the output to a file key.pem.

Test TLS request

> curl --cert svid.pem --key key.pem -k -I https://localhost:8000/productpage

HTTP/2 200 
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
content-length: 5183
server: istio-envoy