Don't try to throw random tools at this poor image. Go back to the basics and learn the detection techniques.
Format : Hero{}
Author : Thib
Through this challenge, I wanted to force the players to understand how the LSB works rather than just throwing random bruteforce tools.
By playing a little with the contrast of the image, we realize that there is a diagonal line of pixels that is quite strange: it is a diagonal LSB!
Simply iterate over all the diagonal pixels of the image and concatenate the bits of the three RGB(A) channels
def decode(src):
print("[-] Decoding... ")
extracted_bin = ""
img =, 'r')
if img.mode == 'RGB':
mode = 3
print("[-] RGB mode")
elif img.mode == 'RGBA':
mode = 4
print("[-] RGBA mode")
width, height = img.size
print("[-] Image size: {}x{}".format(width, height))
for i in range(0, width):
pixel = list(img.getpixel((i, i)))
for n in range(0,mode):
extracted_bin = extracted_bin + str((pixel[n]&1))
print("[-] Message extracted in binary: {}".format(extracted_bin))
print("[-] Message extracted in string: " + binaryToString(extracted_bin))
def stringToBinary(string):
return ''.join([format(ord(i), "08b") for i in string])