Every functor has a lift function. Every monad is a functor. So we can lift every monad.
We can't use lift
with monads.
Instead we must use liftM
instance Functor IO where
fmap f action = do
result <- action
return (f result)
Just as we can fmap
the reverse
function over Just "blah"
to get Just "halb"
so too can we can fmap
the reverse
function over getLine
By exploiting the fact that the IO monad is a functor, we can write shorter programs.
Key Point: Monads are functors. As a result, we can use
to write shorter programs
For the following Haskell program
import Data.Char (toUpper)
main = do
let getShout = fmap ((++"!") . map toUpper) getLine
x <- getShout
putStrLn x
what is sent to STDOUT when hello
is fed in through STDIN?
Key Point: Monads are applicative functors. As a result, we can use
to write shorter programs
-- Expression A
main = do
x <- getLine
y <- getLine
return x++y
-- Expression B
main = do
(++) <$> getLine <*> getLine
Every monad is a functor as so we expect that whenever we create our own monads, then we can use them in the applicative style. Unfortunately this is not the case:
‘FooMonad’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal
We must explicitly state that our own Monads are an instance of Applicative
(+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100)
What happens if we fmap a function needing an extra parameter like (+)
over a function?
fmap (+) (*2)
A functor now holds a function, but besides the usual x
parameter, it now wants another
It turns out that functions are just functors, they're also applicative functors (applicatives)!
You can think of functions as boxes that contain their eventual results, so doing k <$> f <*> g creates a function that will call k with the eventual results from f and g. We can operate on the eventual results of functions as if we already had their results.
In the example above, at no point do we need to mention the results by name. There are no explicit parameters or lambdas. We only care about the operations on the eventual results. This style of programming is called point-free arthimetic (tacit programming).
(*2) -- Functor
(+) <$> (*2) -- Applicative Functor
instance Applicative ((->) r) where
pure x = (\_ -> x)
F <*> g = \x -> ...
The definition of <*>
is a little tricky, so let's break it down.
First what's F and g here?
Well both of them are functors.
The difference is that F is an applicative functor whereas g is not.
That means F must be a functor that has had a function already fmap
-ed over it.
But here, the functors are functions. Relating to the box analogy,
the box is the function.
So we must have a function that has had a function fmap
-ed over it.
Futhermore, this function ((+)
in our example) requires an extra parameter.
In other words F is of the form a -> b -> r
as explained below:
/----- a function b ->r ...
a -> b -> r
| \---- ...that has is wrapped with another function...
\------ .. and furthermore the wrapper function requires an extra parameter
Now we want to work out what functor application means in this context.
We want to do a more grown-up version of "applying values to a function",
but the "values" here are functors and the "function" in question
is an applicative functor. In this section, the functors in the spotlight are
functions and the applicative
functor is a function that has had a function fmap
-ed over and futhermore,
that function needs an extra parameter besides x
For us, this new form of application
is passing x into each functor, (*2)
, (+10)
, and taking the results
and applying it to (+)
Passing x
into (+10)
is easy, we just call g x
How do pass x
into (*2)
F = (+) <$> (*2)
= fmap (+) (*2) -- by def of <$>, it's just the infix version of fmap
= \x -> (+)((*2)(x))(x) -- by def of fmap c.f. functions as funtors, fmap f g = (\x -> f (g x))
= \x -> \r -> (*2)(x) + r -- changing prefix to infix
So to pass x into (*2)
, we just need to call F x
Finally, we need to pass the two results to (+)
Notice that when we call F x
, as well as passing x
into (*2)
, we get
back the following: \r -> 2x + r
. We have the result of (*2)
already in place.
We just need to fill those r
s with the result of (10+)
-- which
can be done by applying x
to F
: into F x
Hence we arrive at:
F <*> g = \x -> (F x)(g x)
This is more conventially written as:
F <*> g = \x -> F x (g x)
We don't often use functions as applicatives. It's an intersting example that helps test our knowledge of applicative functors. But more importantly, knowing how functions are applicatives work pathes the way for us to understand how functions as monads (reader monad) works.