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1C. Using Let in a Do Block

In this chapter, we'll focus on the arrows (<-), or ‘assignments’ of a do-block. In particular, our attention will be drawn to the right-hand sides of these assignments. The first thing to note is that they must be functions.

Consider the assignments in this do-block:

  x1 <- f1
  x2 <- f2
  x3 <- f3
  c x1 x2 x3

In order for the above to compile, it is required that f1, f2, f3 are functions. Furthermore, and rather crucially, they must be monadic functions - that is, each function must have type a -> m b, where m is a monad [1].
Why is this?

Well from 3A, we know that at the above do-block is equivalent to:

(λx1  (λx2  (λx3  (c x1 x2 x3)) =<< f3) =<< f2) =<< f1

We can see that those three 'assignments' correspond to three bind operations. And we can also see that the right-hand sides of arrows (<-) are the right-hand sides of a bind! From 2A, we know that every right hand side of a bind must be a monadic function. Hence every right-hand side of an arrow must be a monadic function.

Key Point: Given an arrow of a do-block, x1 <- <rhs>, the right-hand side, <rhs>, must be a monadic function.

So the following does not compile!

  val1 <- 1            -- Wrong! See paragraph below for reason.
  val2 <- 2            -- Wrong! See paragraph below for reason.
  val3 <- (val1+val2)  -- Wrong! See paragraph below for reason.
  print val3

The RHSs of val1, val2 and val3 are not monadic functions -- they’re not even functions! This reveals an important difference between the ‘assignments’ in Haskell do blocks, and actual assignments you see in imperative languages like Python, Java and C++. Haskell ‘assignments’ cannot accept any old right-hand side! -- whereas you might see a number, boolean or string on the right-hand side of a Java assignment, you'd never see one on the right-hand side of a Haskell arrow. Scary! We can’t even put numbers on the right hand side! This indeed makes the use of <- seem rather limited.

Thankfully, to solve this problem, the Haskell language designers gave us new operator (or more precisely syntax) called let. With this new operator, let, the above can correctly be written as:

main = do
  let val1 = 1
  let val2 = 2
  let val3 = (val1 + val2)
  print val3

This program will now correctly compile.

Key Point: <- performs a monadic 'assignment'. let is a new operator that perfoms non-monadic 'assignment'

So let and <- are pretty much the same. The key difference concerns that the type of the RHS. In let, the RHS is not monadic (a plain old value); in (<-) the value on the RHS of <- is monadic.

Watch Out! Before we move on, let me tell you that let in the context of a do-block is a completely new operator. Do not confuse this new operator with the familiar (let .. in) that is used in beginner Haskell. Although both features use the keyword let, they work in completely different ways! We'll see that the let in a do-block introduces a special kind of lambda in a lambda-bind nesting. The let as seen (let .. in) merely performs a substitution. Besides sharing the keyword let, the two features share no relation! Remember to consider them unrelated.

So, how does this work? What exactly is this so-called let operator doing? These two questions are answered by showing what this let translates to in terms of lambas and binds. A do-block will always translate to a nesting of lambas and binds and the addition of our new operator is not going to break that rule.

Case Translation
1. identifier <- <RHS> (not on last line) (λidentifier -> <next line translated>) =<< <RHS>
2. let x = <RHS> (not on last line) (λidentifier -> <next line translated>)(<RHS>)
3. <expression> (on last line) <expression>

We introduce a new translation rule (see 2. in the table above). The translation for let is very similar to the rule for (<-). Can you see the difference? With (<-), the RHS is monadic so we need to introduce a bind. But with let, the value is not monadic so no bind is needed. Instead of using =<< to pass the value into the lambda, we directly plain-old function application. Besides this difference, the two operators are exactly the same in how they both introduce a lambda and how they both use the next line of the do statement as the body of this introduced lambda.

Key Point: To translate: let x = <RHS> inside a do block, write (λx → ...)(<RHS>) where the ellipsis, …, is to be filled with the next line of the do block

Let’s look at some more examples and get some practice desugaring the do-block let statement.

Consider the original do-block that is correctly written with let.

main = do
  let val1 = 1
  let val2 = 2
  let val3 = (val1 + val2)
  print val3

Translate the block to use binds and lambas.


(λval1  (λval2  (λval3  (print val3))(val1 + val2))(2))(1) 

Rewrite the code below using binds and lambas.

main = do
  n <- readLn
  let m = preprocess n
  process n m


(λn  (λm  (process n m))( preprocess n )) =<< readLn 


1. You are given the do block.

  let n = readLn
  process n

You are given that readLn is a monadic function. Explain why this do block will not compile. Rewrite it so that it compiles.

2. Express as a nesting of lambdas and binds.

  val1 <- readLn
  val2 <- readLn
  let sum = add val1 val2
  print sum

3. Below is a do block that contains both monadic assignments <- and non-monadic assignments via let.

main = do
  putStrLn "Greetings once again.  What is your name?"
  inpStr <- getLine
  let outStr = name2reply inpStr
  putStrLn outStr

Find an equivalent expression that is a nesting of lambas and bind operators.

Note this is real Haskell taken directly from RWHS:

4. Express the following do-notation (that includes lines with let) in terms of lambdas and binds.

nameDo = do 
  putStr "What is your first name? "
  first <- getLine
  putStr "And your last name? "
  last <- getLine
  let full = first ++ " " ++ last
  putStrLn ("Pleased to meet you, " ++ full ++ "!")

5. A let block is useful for extracting out variables to help improve the readability of your code. Below shows a do block that is computing the Body Mass Index (BMI).

  mass <- readMass
  height <- readHeight
  writeBmi(703 * mass / (height * height))

The formala being passed to writeBmi is a little long.

(a) Complete the code below to use a let to extract our this formula to a variable called bmi.

  mass <- readMass
  height <- readHeight

(b) Take this new do-block and rewrite it as a nesting of lambdas and binds.

7. [hard] The following program that uses the IO monad doesn't compile.

main = do
   args <- getArgs
   content <- readFile (args !! 0)
   linesOfFiles <- lines content

Explain which line is incorrect and give the correct version. (Adapted from a Stack Overflow question)