Write answers to the following questions.
- What is the question you will address?
- Why will it be relevant to the audience?
- What’s the “punchline” of the solution(s) to the question? i.e. what’s the “elevator pitch” of your presentation?
- What would you like to achieve (e.g. teach, learn, persuade) via the creation & delivery of this presentation?
- What’s your opening sentence(s)?
- What’s your concluding sentences(s)?
- What are the different sections of your presentation?
- How many core “points” (if using Powerpoint, these might also be “slides”) would you like to share? What are they?
- Generally speaking, orient each point/slide around the exploration of a question.
- Look each audience member in the eye as you speak your opening sentence.
- Place your hands at your side or steeple your hands. If necessary, hold an object in your hand as a reminder.
- Speak sentences purposefully and as if you are discovering them for the first time; like a Shakespearan actor on the stage. Less is more. Pause happily for a moment of silence in lieu of filler words. Alternate speed, volume and pauses to create emphasis.
- Bonus: Memory Palace
- Pick a memory villa location.
- Pick an exciting image for the opening sentence. Place it in the memory villa.
- Pick an exciting image for the concluding sentence. Place it in the memory villa.
- Write quick-word reminder notes for each core point/slide. Have the word-reminder notes handy for the presentation.